Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jan. 12

Hola mi familia!

I cannot even believe that another week has come and gone! I LOVE MY MISSION.
This week we had exchanges with both sets of sisters: Meeker and Craig Spanish. On Tuesday we had a zone meeting with our tiny zone (only 14 missionaries) where we discussed our goals for the year, faith, and using the area book effectively. They had me bear my testimony at the end (because it was my last zone meeting and that made me angry...JK.) Afterwards I headed to Meeker CO with Sister Masima from Samoa. She served in the Mountain View ward after I did and was able to tell me so many good things! A less-active fam we worked with, the Acostas, finally were sealed in the temple and so many people had babies in that ward! It was so fun to reminisce about all the great people in that ward! We had a miracle exchange! We taught so powerfully together and felt the spirit guiding us. We had an especially poignant experience with a young recent convert, age 12, who has been making some horrible choices in her life. She was suspended from school and we met with her and her grandma who recently got out of jail. I was at a loss of what to share with her. And then the Spirit whispered to me, just tell them how much their Heavenly Father loves them. And so I did. And I don't know if it will make any difference in their choices. But I do know that if something is going to make a difference, that is the only thing that will. It is recognizing how much God loves us and then wanting to return that love through our obedience. Fun fact: Sister Masima and I did the best workout video ever: weird "reggae funk" dancing! It was a nice change from Jillian, that's for sure! And we had a hoot while doing it!
My second exchange of the week was with Sister Allison in Craig, America. (people there call it that and no one knows why and it's weird but it's great). I left Steamboat for both of the exchanges because I'm still honing in on my espanol skills. This week I am going to try and stay here! YIKES. Sister Allison is incredible. She's from Texas and actually knew Sister Hancock a little from before her mission. My favorite thing, absolutely, about missionary work is knowing that you've been the instrument by which God can help someone. It's not me at all but it is my obedience that facilitates the Spirit. It's the best feeling in the world and it's where true happiness comes from. That's why Christ had so much peace and happiness, even in the midst of horrible things, because He was always looking for ways he could help people. And that's why I love exchanges. Both sisters were struggling with feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. That's where I have been before. And because of the trials God has blessed me with I was able to help them see how amazing they are, how much God loves them, and how blessed we are to KNOW we can trust in God's promises. Sister Allison is being who God needs her to be but Satan is trying to convince that her offering is not good enough. The spirit helped us understand what God expects of us. Our offering will never be "good enough" and that is why He provided us with a Saviour, a personal and loving Saviour, who can help us each perfectly and individually find happiness. A big lesson for me this week was realizing that the gospel of Jesus Christ is about happiness. God wants us to be happy. That is His greatest desire. He wants us to have joy. And that's why He does all that He does. 
The ward here is doing swimmingly. We've been trying to focus on building, lifting, and blessing the members. This ward is even tinier than I remember. And as of right now, not too many people are keen on the idea of coming to lessons with us. So we're taking advice from pmg and doing service! And we're going to help the ward members see how amazing they are and how much power they have when they come with us to lessons! 
My Spanish is....hahaha. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm going for itIt's been such a hoot to speak Spanish. I feel like a brand new missionary again. We are seeing so many miracles. I'm learning how to trust in the Lord and not in my own wisdom. I am so grateful for this opportunity to truly understand humility, that my true strength lies in the Lord and not in my own knowledge! I honestly most of the time have no idea what anyone is saying in any lesson but as soon as I open my mouth it is filled. We taught Pamela, who is on date for Jan 27th, and her roommate Marilyn (both from Peru) the word of wisdom (la palabra de sabiduria). As we taught, I randomly started sharing with them my past issues with body image and how the word of wisdom helps us love ourselves the way God loves us ALL IN SPANISH. Afterwards, I was just so thankful and astounded at the ability the Spirit has to help us when God needs us to do something for Him. Pamela is getting so excited for her baptism! She was not able to come to church this past week but will be able to next week as she asked for work off. She is so great and has such a light about her. I am so excited for her! We have been trying to involve as many members as possible. The ward is getting excited about the baptism. It will be held on a Tuesday (the same night as mutual) because it is her birthday. The YMs and YWs have even decided as part of their activity they will attend the baptism!
I wanted to tell you all about Veronica. She is a recent convert who was baptized in March and she is the only member in her immediate family. She has an uncle who takes her to church. She is 11. And she is INCREDIBLE. Her family lives in one of the many trailer parks we frequent called Sleepy Bear. She lives in a home that looks to be from a 3rd world country. The ward has been helping with a few things. She has 13 siblings. Her family is from Mexico. The first time I met her she said, "Sorry I didn't come to church last week. I wasn't feeling well." When I was 11 I would have been overjoyed at the thought of not having to go to church. She is so prepared. And she is a light to her family. She has such a desire to do the right thing. I love her so much for it. Lately I've been pondering on the question of who I was before I came to Earth and who the other people around me were. I know that Veronica was so faithful and so devoted to her Father in Heaven before she came here. And that she was ready to receive the gospel when she did so she can be an instrument in God's hands. Have you ever thought about who you were in the premortal life?
I've been able to reconnect with even more people this week. I finally saw Jamie! She got baptized when I was first here! She is really busy with her work schedule (driving shuttle for the ski resorts) but she came to church yesterday and we had a great reunion! I just love her! Also we ate dinner at Darlene's with Gaby. Darlene is very special and I was so happy to be back in her home. This is from the email I wrote to my mission president September 23, 2013. 
"We had a fabulous lesson with Darlene, a less-active. She is the sweetest and I love her so much. Her husband, who never had anything to do with the church, recently passed away. She has been struggling with the fact that she doesn't know if he will accept the Gospel. The Spirit is always so strong in her home as we discuss things and this time was no different. As she relayed her concerns, the overwhelming thought came to me that my cousin Ryan was helping on the other side with her husband. At first, I thought, no that's strange, but it was true and I could not deny it. Ryan passed away in his early twenties after his mission. He was the best example and I know it was exactly what Darlene needed to hear that someone I knew was helping her husband on the other side. I've never had a spiritual experience where the thought came into my mind so strongly. It was awesome! "
How cool to remember just how aware God is of us.  I love my mission! And I know that God has a plan for us. Though I don't like to see anyone suffer, especially a family member, I know that this trial is bringing my family closer together and helping us remember what is truly important. I know that God has a plan. I am so grateful that I've been able to see my family's faith through this. Your letters are truly inspiring and motivate me to be a more dedicated, more obedient, more loving, disciple of Christ. 
This week I have been studying prayer. I've been thinking about why we pray and more importantly my thoughts have been led to the reason why we can even pray, that it is only through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. We need to pray and then do, not pray and wait. And I've been thinking of if my prayers are seeking to fulfill God's plan. Am I praying with the intent to change? This week I am going to focus on praying with faith and then acting in faith. I invite all of you to read 2 Nephi 32, Enos, and Alma 34 as well as Ask in Faith by Elder Bednar and to really ponder about how you can utilize the gift of prayer to become closer to your Saviour, Jesus Christ. I promise that as you do this you will feel closer to Him, feel more guidance, and feel more peace and hope about change and progress. You will find "a commitment to persevere in doing whatever might be required for the blessings God has promised us to be honored." 
I hope you all have a great week! And that you remember just how much God loves you! 


Hermana T

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