Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 17/14

Top of the mornin' to ya! Happy St. Patty's Day!
Well folks, I am currently residing in GRAND JUNCTION, CO. (I actually live in Clifton and my area covers Palisade and Colbran as well which is right next to GJ). I love it already and my companion is none other than the fabulous HERMANA JESSICA TEW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm literally having round 2 with Sister Tew who was my companion 4.5 months ago!!! Apparently the Lord knew we had a pretty good thing going. I'm going to start from the beginning because so much has changed!
Last Monday we spent the day seeing as many people that I love as possible! We ate lunch with the Torrez clan, made freezer jam with Sister Stamps, visited Karen, and had pizza and ice cream with the Utleys. My last stop of the night was at the Tillemann-Dicks. She proceeded to give me all of these little things from around the world so I now have a russian hiding doll thing (I really can't remember what it's called), glass figurines from Italy..etc. It was so fitting for Sis TD. I really love all the people there so much and I miss it so much. One of the hardest parts was leaving my amazing companion Sister Smith! She's one of the best and I was very nervous to find out who my new companion was. I think I've finally come to realize (after a week of being here) that the Lord really does want me here. Sister Tew couldn't get over how much I had changed since our time together in Steamboat and I think that that is a good thing! 
At transfer meeting on Tuesday they announced where I was going and who my companion was and I audibly whisper yelled out, "No way!" It's still pretty surreal that we are companions again and I am so excited about it! Tuesday was spent in a truck driving from Denver to Rifle to Grand Junction. We made it around 2 and it's been a crazy whirlwind since! The other greatest news I received is that Sister Gregerson, my MTC comp, is in my district!!!!!!!!!!!! She and her companion are the best people ever and part of the numbers they count is how many cats they see every day hahaha.
Our mission also now has 2 sets of Assistants to the President, one set in Denver and another out west. Just so happens that they are serving in my ward and they drive a MINI VAN. They are hilarious and I am super pumped about the goals we have all set to help this ward and the people in it! We're really trying to serve the members. This week we helped a family build a chicken coop. And I am not the greatest with a hammer. Pictures to follow of my amazing blood blister on my thumb.

The area is great! We are teaching Brad, who is on date for baptism April 5th! Last night we taught him the Law of Chastity and he is engaged and living with his fiance and her mom. He was so willing to get married before baptism! We were nervous about teaching him but he is so prepared and knows what he needs to do.
On Saturday we had our first exchanges. I went with Sister Jones. She is so awesome! I learned so much, especially how to rely on the Spirit as I try to help these sisters realize how awesome they are and how much potential they have. My favorite part of the exchange was that I felt like we really became life long friends. I love being friends with everyone. We got caught in a really awesome wind storm where we thought we were going to die but after the fact met an awesome less-active that no one knew about! The only downside was we had dirt in our teeth and noses, on our faces, and in between our toes for the rest of the day! Other than that little incident the weather here has been awesome! Almost 70 every day with the sun shining! The Lord knew I couldn't handle winter and he has blessed me every part of my mission.

This week has been one of the most overwhelming and draining emotionally but at the same time so fulfilling. About everything that could change in my life has changed. I missed home (both in Canada and Mtn View ward) and I was overwhelmed with all the change and responsibility. I really felt the assurances of the Spirit throughout the week as I learned about all we need to do to be helping the sisters. I'd been feeling also that I needed to get a priesthood blessing throughout the week, however, I am prideful and stubborn. I really don't like feeling I am a burden to other people but I knew that I needed it. Looking back, I am always so glad when I finally humble myself. As I received the blessing, I felt such peace and I was reminded that my Heavenly Father really does love me. I am really good at sharing that with other people but not so good at believing it for myself. All of my concerns were resolved and I know that with the help of the Lord I can do all things. What should've been the most disconcerting part of the blessing, that I would face many trials, is when I felt the most peace because of the promise that followed: I will be able to understand the Atonement and know and love Christ better. That really is the purpose of all I am doing as a missionary, to know and love Christ better. I am so excited for this transfer to really consecrate myself and give up things that are holding me back to become the missionary the Lord knows I can be.

I hope you all have a great week and I am thankful for the best support system the world has ever known!

Sista T

making stamp jam with Sister Stamps! I brought it all to my new area Woot!
 the hilarious utleys! I love that they are both so tall because it makes me look short! First time in my life!
All of my new life! All four of my MTC sisters were reunited after 7.5 months apart! Woot!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 10/14

Well I am getting the boot! President Murdock called us on Saturday afternoon. I knew it was coming but I am really sad about it still! I don't know where I am going yet (I will find out on Tuesday morning at transfer meeting) but I did find out that I will be a Sister Training Leader. I don't really know what this means yet haha. I do know that my comp and I will go on exchanges with other sisters in the mission and if sisters have a problem they call us. I am a little overwhelmed but excited! So I can only go to a few potential areas because they are the STL areas. Sis Smith and I really hope I stay in Denver so I can still come on exchanges to this area! That would be saweeeeet!

This week was great! We set 2 more people on date for baptism! Jennifer decided on May 3 after a great lesson at a member's house and Serena for April 19th. I don't really know how this even happened because we have been teaching her for 3 months and she has never committed to anything. My only answer is the spirit! (happy birthday to Lacey! And that means she'll be confirmed on your birthday Mom!) We are so excited for these people and the choices they are making! Sister Karen and Jennifer also came to church yesterday!

The worst part about leaving an area is definitely the GOODBYES! At the end of Relief Society yesterday they sprang a surprise on me and had me bear my testimony and say the closing prayer. I got up there and couldn't really even talk. I am such a crybaby. Some sisters started yelling out "Don't go!" "We're making you stay!" and it was quite hilarious to me but made it all the worse. Sweet little Sister Jones, bless her heart, then stood up and proceeded to tell everyone that I was going to have marvelous adventures in my new area and find new people to share the gospel with. It was about the sweetest thing that has ever happened in my life! I love this ward so much. The best people live here and I am so privileged that I got to spend 4 and a half months learning from them and loving them. 

BEFORE I FORGET! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry I am the worst sista ever!)

Luckily I had the best goodbye from the ward possible: a ward talent show! Saturday night was the big event. It was the weirdest/most hilarious thing I have ever seen! I may or may not have sang that American national anthem with my mouth closed in a red and blue outfit to pay homage to all my new friends...I am happy that that is how the ward with remember me until the end of time! Sister Smith juggled! She decided to learn a new talent for the talent show and she actually did it! She's a rockstar! The best part was Sister Tilleman-Dick yelling out "oh my!" and "WOW!" and "INCREDIBLE!" every time she juggled. She's been practicing with clementines in our apartment for 2 weeks. So now she can juggle and we have clementines everywhere. Luis, a 11 year old boy, did a science experiment, little girls danced, Brother Dave played the trumpet, the Metallos sang...I'll send all my pictures so you can see how awesome it was! 

This week we went to the temple and, of course, it snowed the night before. Every time I have gone the roads have been bad. But we made it! And it was awesome! President and Sister Murdock were in our session again so that was awesome! Every time I go I am reminded just how important families and how incredibly grateful I am for mine! (and no I am not just saying that because I am in need of mail or anything).

This week we had our final district meeting of the transfer. Because the Elders get to wear matching shirts all the time, Smith and I decided to do the same. She had found a shirt that I already had at the clothing swap a couple of weeks ago so we wore them. The Elders didn't notice them until halfway through the meeting!

I really can't believe I am leaving. I've just been taking pictures and visiting people all the time in preparation for the big departure. I am nervous but excited! (if anyone gets that quote I will give them a high five). Get ready for the picture overload that is coming! 

Hope you all have a great week! 


Sista T
 These pics are of the caricature Sister Hill drew of the two of us! I've always wanted one and my dreams came true! 
We decided not to go grocery shopping for 2 weeks and just eat whatever we had left in our house. We got desperate by the end of the week and ate mac and cheese but we didn't have butter so we put vanilla yogurt in it....
Who wore it best!?!?! hahahahaha

March 2/14

We had a great week! I was assigned to give a training on member present lessons in our district meeting this week. It really motivated us as a companionship to have a member at every single lesson we had  And we did it! It was amazing to have their testimonies and the spirit that comes with them. I loved so much involving them and it was so fun to be around all our amazing members. I am so grateful for such a great ward!
I think my favorite member of the week was Sister Jones. She is a single older lady who converted about a year and a half ago. She is so excited about the gospel and is so sweet. She came to a lesson with us and when they didn't answer the door, she started talking to them as if they could hear saying, "Don't you want to hear the gospel? This will change your life!" It was the best thing ever! I love how excited she is about everything! 
On Tuesday night we had a lesson with Jennifer, our investigator, and Sister Sandoval and her son Ben. Ben is 35 and is down syndrome. The entire time he thought I was our ward mission leader's wife, Jesse. Ben said the closing prayer, which was mainly about how Pat (our ward mission leader) and Jesse (which he thought was me) are his favorite friends. He also said he wants to serve a mission in California but he needs to come home before Christmas. And Ben even taught about the Fall! 
We also decided this week to get out and do some service for the ward members. It was the best way to pay it back to them for coming to lessons! We raked the Bishop's giant yard, cleaned an elderly lady's house, and helped a young family clean their home. It was the best to just get out there and work hard! I've missed doing the whole manual labour thing and it was a nice change. 
The biggest miracle of the week was when our investigator who is on date, Sister Karen, came to church! We've been trying to get here there for about 2 months and she finally came! And she bore her testimony! It was the best! She told everyone about her baptism and how she plans on coming to church every single week! I was so happy. I can't really explain how much joy I felt. I am so excited for her! They were so many miracles that led up to this happening. A member invited her over for dinner, we saw her with the Bishop (and she asked if he would baptize her), she didn't get sick and she was reading the Book of Mormon! Sunday morning we went over around 8:30 and helped her get ready. We braided her hair and helped her do some sweet Broncos themed makeup! (Keep in mind, Sister Karen has the mindset of an 8 year old so she loved it!) She was beaming! I am so thankful for the Lord's hand in helping Sister Karen come to church!  
There were some times this week where I was feeling a little down. I wasn't sure why and I didn't know what to do about it. As soon as we got to work and I was able to testify and teach in lessons, I started to feel so happy. Also this week at district meeting I was reminded of one of my favorite scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants, "The son of man hath descended below all things. Art thou greater than He?" It just really puts it into perspective that no matter what we go through, our Saviour has already been through it and so much more. We can really do anything because of it. 
Wednesday was a day of desserts: members forced us to eat (just jokes. we did it willingly) krispy kremes, razzleberry pie, cookies, pastries, and milkshakes! Fatties! 
A couple of nights this week as soon as daily planning was done, I was out of it! I could not force myself to do anything; I was so exhausted. The only thing that I even moved for was when Sis Smith was practicing juggling with clementines (for the ward talent show this Saturday) and she accidentally threw one at my face. I grabbed it and threw it at her as hard as I could. Yay for comp unity! 
One thing our mission president has asked us to do is teach the members at our 8 pm appointment if we don't have any other set appointments. This week we visited the Trujillo family. They have the most darling little 5 year old boy, Marcus. We were talking about how the plan of salvation and how we all have the potential to become as our Heavenly Father, that we are sons and daughters of a king. Marcus then says, "My dad really is a king! He's a mattress king!" Come to find out his dad works at Mattress King! haha.
So there you have it! Another week down! Transfers are this next week and I'm thinking we're both staying, which I am more than happy about! 
Have a great week! 


Sista Turner

Raking the bishop's yard.
this is me falling asleep. COMPLETE AND UTTER EXHAUSTION.
We also made sugar cookies this week. A maple leaf (GO CANADA) and moustaches! 

Feb 24/14

Well, another week gone!
This past Monday night I went on exchanges to the Alameda Branch with Sister Vasquez, who is a convert of only 2 years! We had a hoot of a time! I got to go to their district meeting. As part of an object lesson we each had to juice a lemon the district leader's mom had sent him from Arizona to make fresh lemonade. He mixed it all together and jokingly said, "Which one of you will dare to try it first?!" An Elder volunteered, took a big sip, and then spit it into the sink while starting to gag! Turns out Sister Vasquez accidentally brought salt....The saddest part was when the district leader said, "Well I'll just have my mom send me some more lemons." hahaha
We taught our investigator Melissa the plan of salvation this week. The best part was when she looked up at us after we had finished and said, "Something is just telling me that this is right." It was the best moment and the Spirit was so strong! Sadly she didn't come to church on Sunday, although she said she would. We'll just have to follow up on that one!
One of the best parts of our week was when Sister Smith got a package from her mom with FREEZER JAM in it! Woot!
Saturday morning, Sister Karen came to the Stake Women's Conference! Her ride bailed at the last minute and we were so stressed about finding her a ride! The Zone Leaders texted us a YSA who was going who was baptized last April named Deidre and it was perfect! We are forever indebted to them! Sister Karen has anxiety issues and we weren't quite sure if she'd end up going but she did! Deidre was the perfect person to pick her up; they got on like a house on fire! Sister Karen loved the whole thing and was able to meet a lot of the sisters in the ward. At the conference we had the privilege of listening to the Denver temple matron, eating a delicious lunch, watching a fashion show, and there was a CLOTHING SWAP aka a sister missionary's dream!! Both Sis Smith and I came away with far too much stuff! I mentioned earlier that I had ripped my only pair of jeans I brought...well I ended up finding 2 new pairs! They actually fit me and more than that they are cute! Woot! Sister Karen also got some new stuff which made her day. She had a really great time and we were pumped for her to come to church yesterday. Sadly she didn't make it. She bailed at the last minute. We were pretty bummed as we've been trying to get her to come every week for the past 5 weeks and it really felt like this week she was actually going to come. On Sunday we fasted and went over to talk to her about her commitment keeping. We both did not want to drop her. We prayed A LOT and really tried to rely on the Lord because only He knows what Karen really needs. The Spirit prompted us to teach her about baptisms for the dead. She lost her sister 5 months ago and misses her very much. This was the perfect thing to share with her and I never would have thought of it. She has fully committed to come to church this Sunday because she wants to be with her sister again! I'm so happy that the Lord was able to share with us what Sister Karen needed to hear. I'm praying more than I ever have that Karen will come to church. I truly am learning that we are all children of God and that our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. 
Saturday night we had the privilege of attending a fireside with a member of the seventy, Elder James B. Martino. It was awesome! I learned we need to work smarter and not just harder. The best part was when Sister Murdock in her talk told us all that her daughter just told her the day before that she wanted to go on a mission! We were literally the first ones to know! It was news even to President Murdock! His face was pretty priceless.
Sis Smith and Elder Ivie had to speak in church yesterday. A tradition Sis Smith has is that she always has someone give her 3 random words to say in her talk. So I gave her mullets, bacon, and biodegradable. Though skeptical at first, I was very impressed with the way she actually managed to pull it off! 
Saturday night we dropped by our ward mission leader's house for his 29th birthday party. It was a homemade doughnut party. I could not have been happier! It was sooooooooooo good. It was just what I needed in my life...more dessert. 

Today we dropped by Sister Metallo's so she could sew a skirt for Sister Smith. I got to play the piano while we waited and it was THE BEST! We also had a fun little lunch with her. I seriously love the ward members here so much. It's crazy how much this feels like home now. Here's hoping I get to spend the rest of my mission serving in this area!
Weekly planning glam shot
Working on Sarah's house when we got extremely dirty! Ripping out ceilings for the win! 

We always get dessert from everyone! Last night as we headed home from our last appointment of the night they gave us chocolate cake! We had to wait to get home to eat it because we had no forks and I was just a little over eager....I got some on my nose! 
Pictures from our exchange day! I love Sisters Gampe and Vasquez! 

Feb 18/14


I don't have much time so I'd thought I'd just write the miracles from this week, as they were plentiful!

First of all my companion is a rockstar. I love Sister Smith so much and I am just really grateful for the privilege I have to serve with her. We laugh all the day long! That's definitely a miracle, as you never know who you'll get for your companion!
While leaving a member's house after dinner (a little later than we hoped) we ran into a potential investigator we had never actually before met. A member gave her our card because she was going through a rough time. She called us and she told us she would get back to us later about a return appointment. Well we taught her and she is now committed to read the Book of Mormon! I am pumped about Loretta!
We also had a time when a member came with us to an appointment. The investigator wasn't there but we ended up going to another investigator, Serena, and teaching an awesome lesson with this member. It was perfect! 
We met a less-active while tracting! We had no idea she even existed (Church records wise). She wants to come back to church and so last night we went over and had FHE with them. The Spirit was strong and her grandkids, Diego and Jesus, are excited to read the Book of Mormon! 
On Sunday after church we headed to a potential investigator's house. She wasn't there but as we walked away I saw a park with some people at it. I just knew we needed to go there. So we did! And we found a new investigator! Sometimes I don't recognize the Spirit because I have it all the time but I knew afterwards that I was led to that lady! Her name is Shauna and she really wants to have God in her life for her family.
We made an effort to find people this week! So we went tracting. We found 3 new investigators: Saul, Francis, and Joe. With Joe, I saw him and just felt like we shouldn't talk to him (yet!). He was muttering to himself about something. We kept walking and we came across a key. So we picked it up and he was just coming over to ask to ask if we had seen it! He wants to come to church and have God again in his life. I felt the Spirit so strongly as we talked to this man who I had prejudged. It was a real lesson to me that God loves all of his children! 
Sunday was ridiculously nice outside so we went to Sloan's Lake Park and talked to people. We met the sweetest family: Felicia, Davis and children. They even have close Mormon friends! Woot! And I also got to teach a little Spanish lesson to Elisia! 
Yesterday was also super nice! We had a zone meeting in the morning. We played soccer as a zone afterwards and Sister Smith and I went hiking after that. I got a tan on my face! It's funny how much happiness that brought me. My face was getting pretty pasty!
I don't know that I can really express to you how much I love being a missionary. I am so happy! Probably the happiest I've ever been in my life! It is because I understand more than I ever have before in my life just how real the Gospel is. People may try and find happiness other ways but without Christ it will only be temporary. I'm not saying everyday is easy but it is definitely worth it! 

I hope you all have the best week ever! 

Sista T

hiking pics and with sister remington and sister orro while on exchanges! I seriously love hiking so much and I'm so happy we went. I also look like a total scrub! hahaha. 
 My darling companion with our GREEN smoothies. Spinach for the win!
Sister Karen and I making Valentines! 
Sister Wirkus and I with the flowers she gave us! Best Valentines day ever. I don't know that I have ever actually gotten anything before on Valentines Day. Who would've thought that I would get the most while on my mission hahaha. She also gave us chocolates and cupcakes!

Feb 10/14

Another week gone already. Goodness. I learned quite a bit this week about endurance, diligence, and humility. 

Last Monday while shopping for our groceries we met Barb, who recommended which pizza we should buy and then we were able to talk to her about her life and such. We ended up giving her our card. There really are opportunities to share the gospel everywhere we go!
Tuesday was a very busy day and the only thing I wrote down in my journal from that day is that Annette T-D wants me to marry her son Shiloh haha. We ate dinner at her house and she told me that we would somehow be able to work this out, although he is studying at Yale right now haha. Too bad he's the only one in the family who isn't very attractive...and now I feel like I horribly vain person. Sister Smith and I had a good laugh over this, especially because in their latest family picture he's wearing bright red pants. That somehow just made it so much more funny!
Wednesday morning we got to go to the temple! The roads were horrible and it was freezing out but it was totally worth it. We were the only ones from our entire zone who showed up to our session haha. I felt such peace while we there and I know it strengthened me for what was coming later int he day. We had 2 investigators drop us. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us all with the gift of agency and sadly that means people can choose for themselves whether to learn more. It's hard not to blame myself for them dropping us but I know that as long as I am trying my best and being obedient that's all I can do! 
Thursday we had an awesome district meeting. We literally have the golden district (because that is it's actual name haha). They are all great missionaries and we are trying to build district unity by telling each other when we get new investigators! Also the Elders in our ward came and gave a less-active we've been working with, Candice Caesar, a blessing because she isn't feeling well. It was an incredibly powerful spiritual experience and I know that Candice felt the spirit! We also talked to a lady on the street who apparently was baptized when she was 11 and hasn't really been to church since but wants to come back! Woot!
Lately for our lessons after dinners we teach L2 with these cute little visuals we made. It's been really fun to do with all the young families in the ward. 
We found a new investigator this week! Actually she found us. Jennifer came to the church a couple of weeks ago and wants to be baptized! Turns out she's been baptized 2x before but was never confirmed. So we're taking it slow to make sure she is really prepared this time. She's been coming to church and we are so excited about her!
On Friday we found out a referral the Elders gave us was a less-active too. It's the same kind of situation as before. We are excited because we get to teach her all the lessons again! We helped a family who's basement flooded go through old pictures and clean up. It was sad but fun to see them going through old stuff and reminsicing! Luckily not too much was damaged. We met Brenda Phillips by knocking on her door. She is 70 and a self-proclaimed "searcher." The only problem is she can't hear very well so we get to yell the lessons at her! The first time we met her I vacuumed her house while Sister Smith taught her about the book of mormon. The fact that I was vacuuming probably didn't help too much either. Friday night we went to go try a less-active only to find out she had moved! The lady who had bought the house was there renovating it so we volunteered to help! Saturday morning we went back and ripped up her floors! It was fun!
Also I figured out how to switch the car to metric and it MADE MY DAY! I finally can understand how cold it is outside! WOOT!
Saturday was a hard day but a good day. We saw Melissa who is on date. It was a miracle that we saw her because she never answers her door but we pulled up right as she did. I knew what was coming and she decided she wasn't quite ready to be baptized. She wants to investigate other churches while still learning about ours. So it's good that she still wants to learn! I am really excited about her! She loves the book of mormon too! We visited Beverly May, the sweetest old lady in the entire world. I love her so much and she has the sweetest testimony. And she gave us York mints on our way out! We saw Sister Karen who is on date as well. She cancelled on us for church meaning she couldn't get baptized on March 1. She knew that which means she will be baptized now on March 15. Let's all pray she will come to church this week! 
And to close it all off we had a great Sunday! We went to Ward Council. It was hilarious. After about 20 minutes of deliberating the ward finally decided that the ward activity would be the "Mtn View County Fair and Showcase" haha. I'm glad they finally figured it out. The Utleys spoke in Sacrament meeting. They are awesome. We also ate dinner at their house. They are seriously some of my favorite people. They are so funny but yet spiritual at the same time. They know what's up. 
This week I learned how to rely on my Saviour more. I was really tired, not just physically but mentally, emotionally, spiritually, just about in every way possible. But I know that prayers said motivated me to do more and to keep going. I know I can get through anything because of the relationship I have with my Saviour. That bond we have with Him will allow us to reach our full potential!

I hope everybody has a great week. 

Sista T

p.s. that is the only picture I got of me at the temple and yes I know I am not looking. But I'm still happy to be there!