Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feb 3, 2014

What the February?!

Well I have a new companion! And she's awesome! We discovered that her family does the "And now we all throw our heads back and laugh" from George of the Jungle, just like us! Her name is Sister Smith and she is from Virginia. She comes from a family of 8 and has been on her mission for 3 months. Funny thing, her trainer was one of mine, Sister Remington! Sis Smith and I get along real well and we are having a lot of fun! It's kind of weird how comfortable I felt around her from the very beginning. 
The day before transfers, it snowed a ton! The roads were a mess but we still got to see everyone that Sister Fletcher wanted to see before she left. And we saw a fox! Dream come true. We love seeing the animals. At transfer meeting, I guessed that Sister Fletcher was going to Meeker and she actually did! She's going to love all that snow! 
Wednesday was the longest day of my life! We had to get the oil changed in our car so we drove to the Chevy dealership back in Sister Smith's old area, Lakewood. She went back the day after she left haha. Our car ended up having some other problems they needed to fix that would take a couple of hours. We want to be as productive as possible so we figured we'd catch a ride back to our area with a ward member. The only problem was we forgot our phone...and we didn't have anyone's number to call. The only number Sister Smith knew was her old one. So we called up Sister Remington and her new comp, Sister Orro (from Australia). They were in a meeting but said they could give us a ride back. We decided to walk the mile to where they were in order to be less annoying to them. So we trudged through slush to their missionary meeting, Sister Remi took us home, and when we got there we found a message on our phone telling us that our car was finished. Murphy's Law. Anyways we finally made it back to our car! I've never been more grateful for it! 
Also on Wednesday we contacted a referral we received: Judi. She recently moved into our area and had met with missionaries once before. When we knocked on her door she was busy unpacking and said we could come back another time. I kept the conversation rolling and then out of the blue she asked us if we could help with her shower curtain! We got in! Woot! We helped her and ended up teaching her a lesson! She was already reading the Book of Mormon and really wants to come to church. I am so excited about her! 
Wednesday night we ate with Sis Jones and Sis Chandler. They are the best! I wish you all could meet them! If you read Alma 13:24 they really are those angels!
Thursday we served! We went to The ARC and The Action Center for 4 hours. This only added to how tired we already were! 
Friday we ate din with Sis Lennberg. The only thing Sis Smith doesn't like is seafood. What did we eat? CLAM CHOWDER HAHA. She is the fastest eater I have ever met and apparently I am the slowest. Everyone always has to wait for me at dinners. It's awkward jk. 
I am really trying to become a more effective teacher and not teach lessons but actually teach people. I really need to improve on my question asking skills. Luckily, Sister Smith is awesome at asking effective questions! 
It was very snowy and cold out this week and it was a struggle sometimes to get out of the car but we made it through! 
So the Broncos lost the superbowl...that's just more people for us to uplift with the gospel! haha. It's pretty sad how badly they did when all the odds were in the favour! (or so people tell us...)
Church was AWESOME this week. We had an investigator there, Taylor, and a less-active sister, Candice! We also went to YW's with Sister Jesse and Irma and her non-member friend Shyla! It was great to be back there and to recite that good old YW's theme! I even still knew it. Sis Jesse had the sweetest video for the lesson. YW's is so much cooler now!
We worked ourselves silly this week. The transition to a new companion was virtually painless and we already are teaching in unity. We were able to set an investigator, Melissa, on date for March 1! We had a member at the lesson, Sister Linda Thomas and the spirit was so strong. Sister Thomas' advice and testimony really made all the difference. I am so excited for this transfer! 
This week I learned so much about how hard work is so much fun! We worked our tails off but we were able to see miracles because of it. The Gospel is real and I am so grateful that I get to share it with everybody, even if they think I am a crazy person! I just really want everyone to know how much their Heavenly Father loves them! 


Sista T

 something we saw driving around Denver haha

Jan 27, 2014

Well I'm staying in my area! Sadly Sister Fletcher is getting transferred and I'm getting a new companion! 

This week was FABULOUS!!! We knew transfers were coming so we made sure we worked as hard as we could to have (potentially) the best last week in the best area ever! I am quite tired now but it was so worth it! Last Sunday we announced in Relief Society what set appointments we had and the members volunteered! For one appt., a sister volunteered that we would have never asked but she was the perfect member to bring. She shared with our investigator Serena exactly what she needed to hear about families, substance abuse, and the scriptures. Only the Lord could work something out so specifically for Serena's needs. We ended up with 5 solid member present lessons this week! 
One of our investigators, Karen Cooper, is special needs. She has been meeting with Elders for about 3 years and has never committed to baptism. I went into this with kind of the wrong mindset thinking nothing would come of it but the Spirit touched her heart as we visited and showed her that we loved her. She is now on date to be baptized! I really learned how aware the Lord is of each of his children and how much He loves them. Sister Karen is such a special daughter of God and I am privileged to get to help her. 
We also had an amazing experience at a dinner! The member invited her 2 non-member friends and both of them accepted invitations to read the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was so strong and I'm so happy that I could be there to help facilitate their learning. By Sunday we learned that they are both actually reading it! 
I really can't believe my time with Sister Fletcher is done! We've had a good run. She is such an amazing missionary, and more than that, an amazing person. I was privileged to be able to serve with her. She taught me SO MUCH about being herself, working hard, and teaching effectively! I will miss her but I am excited to see what she will accomplish in her new area! 
A thought that really kept coming back to me, especially at the end of the week, is that my Saviour knows me perfectly so therefore He knows exactly what I need to grow! I was a little stressed with transfers but I see now that I just need to trust in the Lord! We taught a less-active, Rhonda, on Sunday night. She is struggling with the grief of the loss of her husband and can't bring herself to come to church because it reminds her of him. As we listened to her concerns, I felt an overwhelming love for her. I told her that she needs to turn to Jesus Christ because He is the only one who knows her perfectly. I found that what the Spirit testified to her through me was exactly what I needed to hear. The Lord really does know me oh so well! 
We've started teaching a less-active named Candice. She is a really sassy black lady who is really good at rolling her eyes. Our lessons with her are always a really good time! haha
Today we had a great last hoorah with our district as it will actually be changing this transfer. We ate delicious Indian food in Golden, right by the giant Coors factory haha. At our last district we also took some really nice district photos...
Yesterday and today have been filled with goodbyes for Sister Fletcher. Last night we visited with the Torrez family. They have a RAMBUNCTIOUS 4 year old grandson they are raising who is always bouncing off the walls. While they were getting us pie and ice cream (which is just what my mission bod needs...) we found a way to keep him occupied! We taught him lesson 1 and 2 with the pamphlets and he was totally engaged! It was hilarious! haha.
We went through the whole week thinking that we were both staying. They didn't call us until Saturday at 9:15 PM (almost as late as they could call...) with the news. It was a shocker! On Sunday they called again and we missed it. When we saw that on our phone we both started freaking out wondering if something had changed. Turns out they just wanted me to say the closing prayer at transfer meeting haha. 

I hope you all have a great week! 


Sista T

this is a little raccoon we found in a gutter,

the Masonic temple we love to drive by

our favorite sign EVER
our district picture

Jan 21, 2014


Literally everyone here loves the Broncos. If they win or lose it will be beneficial to us! If they lose, we can help them cope with the discouragement and hopelessness they all feel with the hope that comes through the gospel. And if they win, everyone will be so happy that we'll be able to talk to, and therefore, convert everybody! haha. 

This week was AWESOME! 
We had a fabulous Zone Conference on Tuesday with the Golden and Lakewood Zones. I learned so much but my favorite part was just how strongly I felt the spirit the entire meeting. I got to see Sister Remington too! 
On Wednesday we saw every single one of the people we had planned to see! Woot! We're finally really getting our treads in here so fingers crossed that I don't get transferred a week from today! 

On Saturday this week I got to go an exchange! I headed to the Alameda Branch. Sister Fletcher stayed here and had full control of the area! Woot! I was with Sister Gampe, our Sister Training Leader. We had such a good time. I also may have ripped my jeans while doing service. OOPS. My reasoning is not because I am fat but merely because I have had those jeans for 6+ years. They served me well. And now a moment of silence for those beloved jeans. 
On exchanges, we taught the Thunderhawks! They are hilarious! It's a mom, Bernadine, and her 20 year old son, Ricky. He has 3 girlfriends and was recently stabbed by one of them in his arm! YIKES! We taught them the plan of salvation and it was awesome how strong the spirit was! We had a great member there named Joy who is so cool! The members the alameda branch sisters live with (and where I stayed Friday night) have a giant cat named Dog. We weighed him and he weighs 19 pounds! WHOA. He's a real life garfield. Also I helped the sassy mom, Inez, back up her iphone because she just could not figure it out. Serving the members all da time. We also tracted around an apartment complex. While there we met 2 little hispanic boys, one of them named Kareen. They are being taught by the Spanish sisters and were so excited to meet us! They followed us around like little puppy dogs and even helped us knock on doors. We were quite the crew! 

Okay so this week it really hit me that I am now a third into my mission! YIKES (apparently this is my word of the day). Where has the time gone? Am I being the best missionary I can be? I love being a missionary so much, mainly because of the happiness it brings me. And I realized that that happiness comes because I am doing what the Lord wants me to be doing. The plan He has for each one of us is real and so are the promised blessings when we do keep the commandments! 

I'm going to share about our investigators and less-actives! 

1. Sister Karen
Elders have been teaching her for about 3 years. She just recently dropped the Elders in our ward so we'd thought we'd give it a shot :) Sister Karen has a mental disability. She has the mind of an 8 year old, which is perfect! Age of accountability! She has a hard time staying focused in lessons so we sing a lot of songs and she gives us scores. She knows all the doctrine incredibly well and now we just need to help her commit! This week we committed to read the Book of Mormon every day. She has a cat named Sylvia May Larsen. When we first went to her house she told us we could only come in if we weren't allergic to cats. I'm sure Heavenly Father understands that little white lie...YIKES! A missionary has gotta do what a missionary has got to do.

2. Melissa
She is recently divorcing (in the process) and has a 2 year old son. We've taught her the first lesson and committed her to read the Book of Mormon. She is really sweet and really wants to do what is right! 

On p-day I sacrificed my golden locks for a potential investigator and we got an investigator out of it! We originally met Daniella on the street about 3 weeks ago and she said she cut hair. We got her number and then I texted her to get a hair cut. Well I did! I was kind of nervous about it but I really like it and my hair feels great! Her cousin named Shay was there and while getting my haircut we talked to her about missionaries and what we do and the book of mormon! She accepted one, is going to read it, and we have a return appointment on wednesday! Woot!

4. Rhonda
She's a less-active we recently contacted. She lives alone and her husband died 3 years ago. She was baptized in 1992 when her whole family converted. She wants to come back to church but it just makes her really sad because her husband isn't there. I am so grateful that we know where our family members are who aren't here anymore! We are helping her to do those daily acts of spirituality like praying and reading that will help her feel the Spirit and be healed spiritually. 

These are just a few of the people! I want you all to know how much I love these people and what I am doing with my days! So next week I will talk about even more of them!

Yesterday we had the busiest p day of my life! We had a zone meeting at 8 AM. Yay for being the only sisters in our zone. Afterwards we had a zone activity where we had a Nephite/Lamanite Nerf war. HAHAHAHA. Oh goodness. I was not much help but Sister Fletcher really enjoyed it! And we had pizza afterwards too! 
There is an elder in our zone named Elder Rosequist. I came out at the same time as him. At the zone conference, I mentioned how we don't have many men because sometimes they are scary, when Elder Rosequist turned to us and said, "What? Why not? You should have all male investigators, you're females! If I were a female, I'd get all the males." Awkward Elders for the win! Also one of our zone leaders who is about the whitest kid in the world, randomly did a really horrible impersonation of the Samoan Elder in our ward when he was showing him how to OYM, "I'm Elder Malaga! I'm a straight up G!" Then we all died laughing and he went about as red as his hair. 
At 2 we played volleyball with the sisters in the other zone. It was a good time! Both sister Fletcher and I did something that we didn't necessarily enjoy this day! haha. 

We've been keeping very busy and really trying to see everyone we can. I know the Lord is making it all happen and He really is picking up the pace with His work (I tried to use something different than hastening the work, I don't think that works as well as I'd hoped haha). I know that obedience really does bring so many miracles and changes. With transfers coming up, this talk has really brought me happiness I hope you enjoy! 


I force my comp to take random pictures of me! 

Sister Remington!
Sister Gampe! 

I found the liahona! 

Jan 13, 2014

Well we had about the best week ever! Mainly because Saturday was a rockstar of a day. We were finally able to meet with 3 of our potentials and set up return appointments with 2 others. We've been trying to see Shirleen since about day one. The Elders had given her as a referral to us. I think we've tried to see her at least twice a week for the last 10 weeks! And we finally saw her on Saturday! Woot! She is already reading the Book of Mormon and has the most adorable daughters. We are going to see her again on Tuesday. Another that we taught was Crystal. She has four adorable kids and I met her on exchanges about 5 weeks ago. She is super sweet and so ready to learn! We also taught Serena. We've seen her a couple of times but this last time we were really able to understand where she's coming from and that she really does want God in her life. Last night we saw Jolene, who is going through a lot of stressful stuff and is looking for God in her life. She is going to read the Book of Mormon. We pulled up to her house and as we were praying, she pulled up too! The Lord for sure planned that one. We also saw Melissa this week. She and her husband have recently decided to divorce. He doesn't believe in God and didn't really want her meeting with us. She can finally learn more and is going to read the Book of Mormon too! We also ate dinner at a members' home and they invited their non-member friend to join us! Lisa is her name and we had helped her do yard work early in November. We taught her how to do family home evening and on Saturday we went over and helped clean her house because she just refinished all her floors. Her two daughters are darling. Maggie is 3 and looks like a precious moments doll. She is also hilarious. 
I've thought a lot about why it took so long to find good solid investigators. It seems last this last week was the culmination of our last 10 weeks of hard work. The more I think about it, the more I realize it was probably because I needed to really learn how to rely on the Lord. I'm not very good at allowing others to help me (actually I'm pretty bad at it). But over these past 10 weeks I think I've finally realized that missionary work isn't about me. It's about allowing the Lord to help others through me. Therefore, I need to ensure that He can help them by being aware of the Spirit, obedient, trusting, and hard working. 
I had a fun experience this week! I started talking to a lady in the old people towers. Before I know it, she was crying and saying that she didn't want to talk anymore and went in to her room. I honestly didn't even say anything mildly offensive. We were just talking about her faith in Christ. I felt really really bad. When we walked past her door again, we noticed her keys were still in the door! So we had a reason to knock! We apologized for making her cry, sang her a song and gave her our card. She was much happier and said she even may call us! Woot! 
I had to give a training in district meeting this week. I love how much things like this stress me out...not! It was on how to measure success as a missionary. I learned a lot about myself and how I set unrealistic expectations in order to feel good about myself! The Lord thinks I can do it and so should I! (cheesy sister missionary for the win!)
On Thursday night we went out with members of the ward council to visit members of the ward. I went with Sister Sandoval. We decided we are the dream team because we went together last time. Both times we have seen people where Sister Fletcher and her partner never do. Muahaha
We volunteered for 7 hours at the ARC thrift store this week. Woot! They have the best old timey radio station. It makes me feel like I'm in the Sandlot (mainly because this week they played the song that plays when Squints kisses Wendy Pfeffercorn). 
This week we also went to the temple! It was awesome! The roads were clear and for the first time, I didn't think about myself and my problems. The overwhelming thought I had was just how much I want the blessings and peace that I have because of the gospel for all of my investigators.

Funny Stuff
Sister Utley is the best ever and fed us sister missionaries cracker jacks during sacrament meeting. She's 32 but I think she's about 8 on the inside. She also has the best clothes ever and I look forward to Sunday every week just to see what she will wear! 
We also discovered this week a less-active we've been trying to see actually goes by Vicky and not Viola. Glad we got that one cleared up. 
I have been having weird dreams this week. I dreamed I was called to be an AP at the MTC and I was in charge of keeping the sisters and Elders in their separate dorms. It was stressful! 
Also this morning when we woke up we randomly started playing a word rhyming game with words that rhyme with -ale. I wasn't fully awake but sister fletcher told me I was a rockstar at it haha. When she couldn't think of anymore I kept going for about 5 minutes spouting off all the words I knew. 
We may or may not have accidentally left our mission twice yesterday...that's what happens when your area is at the very edge! We did discover that there is a very cool aquarium right close that we can't go to! 

Hope you all have a great week! WOOT!