Monday, December 15, 2014

Dec. 15

What a good week this has been! 

Everyday my heart fills with more and more gratitude for a loving and personal Saviour who wants nothing more than for me to return home. Each day is a day of decision. And that includes the decision to believe in Him, to follow Him, and to be obedient to His commandments. We all have the choice. And we all have a feeling as to what is right. But it's up to us to actually decide. The Atonement of Jesus Christ enables each one of us to repent and to forgive, to find peace knowing that we can stand confidently before the presence of God. 
Andie is progressing towards the 28th! 
Sister Hancock and I sang in church yesterday and she stood on the little kids stool because she is so short. Everyone loved that. And I love Sister Hancock. She's a hoot! 
We accidentally got roped in to joining the ward choir.
I went on exchanges to the Spanish ward and loved it! I met the most wonderful people and felt such a powerful spirit! Sister Adair is fabulous. 
I also went on exchanges with Sister Caisey. She is also wonderful. We beatboxed and laughed a lot. She is so cute. I love being reunited with my former Grand Junctionites.
Lastly I went on exchanges with Sister Harper from none other than.... BUTTE MONTANA. She is a giant (6'1) in the best way. We had a grand old time and tracted into a 80 year old woman named Faye who wants to learn about the gospel! 
We volunteered at the Santa Shop. I did the exact same thing last year! Over 4000 kids will have a Christmas because of this event. It was so much fun! I love the spirit of giving! 
I am so blessed to be on a mission at this time of year. To see all the people around me and know that each one will have the opportunity to live with their Father in Heaven again. And that each good thing I do know will influence them for the better to choose to return. 
I hope you each take the time this week to ponder the meaning of Christmas. What has Christ done for you in your lives? How will you show your love back to Him? And how can you share that love with other people? 
I love you all! Have a great week!


Sista T

Dec. 8

Heyo family!

On exchanges with Sister Mataia from California, it wasn't until the very last house of the day that we tracted into someone that was open. It was even in a ritzy neighborhood, which sometimes scares me. A little lady named Sherrie let us in. She's Greek Orthodox and has been cancer free since March. Her hair is still very short and her skin is covered with pock marks and growths. We started talking with her when a little girl appeared at the top of the stairs. She cautiously made her way down. Then proceeded to ask her mom who we were. We introduced ourselves and then she told us who she was. Cheyenne is her name. She's 11. She's got an incredible light about her. And she's blind. We watched He is the Gift with them. Her mom read Cheyenne the words. Cheyenne is very special. She sang us a song and then asked us who is the Father and who is the Son. She was so excited to learn about God. We set up a return appointment for the very next day. When we went back and taught her again (sadly her mom was watching the broncos game instead) we shared the plan of salvation. When we shared with her that she would have a perfect body forever, meaning her eyesight as well, she exclaimed, "Oh! That's amazing!" I often forget how blessed I am to have all that I have. And dear little Cheyenne reminded me to be grateful for all that I do have. We asked her if we could bring her a braille book to read (book of mormon) and she said that would be great as long as it did not have any contractions. Oh how I love this little girl! 

Andie (learned yesterday her real name is Andaleeb) is officially getting baptized on December 28th! She was interviewed by President Murdock yesterday. Because she is of a Muslim background, President wanted to ensure that if she was baptized, her safety would not be at risk. Andie is one of the most selfless, giving, caring, humble, real, genuine people I have ever met. I wish I could express to you how much I love people! 

On Friday night we were privileged to attend the Lakewood Symphony and Mormon Chorale in concert. Andie and Zaim came. It was such a fabulous evening. Us missionaries were the ushers and greeters. Unfortunately, the hermanas got in a car crash on their way so we had to go pick them up. They were in sketch Denver and there was no place for us to park. So I parked in front of a bus stop sign, thinking we would only be there for a few minutes. As we were helping them get things out of their car, a bus turned a corner. My heart dropped, I yelled, "a bus!" and took off sprinting while holding a large box full of pamphlets and Book of Mormons. When I got there I hopped in the car and then it hit me, what I am going to do? Drive away without my companion? So then I awkwardly sat in the car while people got off the bus and then it drove away. At least I helped to alleviate the tension and concern at the site of the accident with my ridiculousness. While listening to the wonderful music at the concert, it really hit me that the Christmas season is so wonderful because we are able to remember the reason why we feel good when we do good things. It's because it is what Christ would do. He is real. He loves us. He wants us to be happy. 

At church, we had 3 investigators come! Charleen, Colleen, and Andie! Our ward did such a wonderful job at fellowshipping and helping them feel welcome. Plus we had the cutest young couple randomly come to church! Sister Hancock and I thought they were members at first. But then we started talking to them. Kyle and Becca are their names. Kyle visited SLC and some sisters there really encouraged him to attend a sacrament meeting so they finally did. And we set up an appointment with them on Friday! Miracles! 

Sunday night we were privileged to dine with the Gunthers and then watch the Christmas Devotional with them. They are office missionaries who also serve in the Lakewood ward. Sister Gunther is also President Murdock's sister. She told us some pretty great and hilarious stories about President Murdock's youth. Why am I so blessed? The Gunthers are so genuinely good. I love them. 

I attended the temple this week for the first time since February. What a blessing that was! Sister Knecht and I were on exchanges. Unfortuately Sister Knecht was feeling really ill. And we accidentally slept through the alarm. Sister Hancock and Sister Remington came to pick us up to go and they forced me to go instead of Sister Hancock. Why am I surrounded by the nicest people on earth? How blessed I was to attend the temple with my trainer three weeks before she is done her mission! She is so great! And I looked like I had just woken up (because I had) so please don't mind the pictures. The temple always fills me with such good feelings of love. It's really hard for me right now to believe that God loves me, even though I share that with people every single day. And it's easy for me to believe it for them. But in the temple I remembered. 

I hope you all have a great week and really capitalize on the wonderful time of year this is to share what we know to be true. That Christ really was born here on Earth. He accomplished all His Father asked Him to do because He loves us and He loves Him. And I love you all too. 


Sister Turner

Dec. 1

Merry Christmas! It's quite frightening to me that it's already December. But I'm working through it! haha. 

This week was great! I love Lakehood. (that's what I have lovingly nicknamed my area). 

Colleen called us on Friday morning and asked us to come take her cigarettes, ashtray, and lighter from her! Hallelujah! She came to church with her husband Lenny and her crazy 2 year old Laraja. And she also came to a baptism later that night. She is so excited to get baptized! Colleen comes from very humble circumstances and has struggled with addiction the majority of her life. It's so amazing to see how Jesus Christ is helping her truly change. 

We have awesome investigators named Andie and Zaim from India. We were privileged to eat dinner with them on Friday! We ate delicious spicy food and had tea with saffron in it. It was so kind of them to have us there and welcome us into their culture. They are so cool! We showed them He is the Gift. The only mildly awkward thing was that Andie kept mentioning that in her culture they always have all body parts covered (except head) and our legs were showing....Whoops! 

My new district is weird but great. It' s just us and 7 elders. We had a district meeting on Thanksgiving and talked about goals and such. I was probably a little too bold. But I guess that's just who I am now haha. 

I get to drive all the time because my companion got in a crash a couple weeks ago...(and she has a court date in January woot woot!) And I put our car in metric so I could understand the temp. Unfortunately I left it like that, so when we reported our mileage last night we did it in kms. It looked like we had driven about 30,000 miles last week hahahaha. ROAD TRIP.

I went on exchanges with Sister Arnold. I felt so close to the spirit the entire day. She is pretty special. We shared He is the Gift with a random family washing their car and the spirit was so powerful! Sister Arnold is great! And she's from New Hampshire and wishes she was Amish. It was so wonderful to feel like I was still a capable missionary as that's something I've been struggling with. I just need to remember to think outside of myself! 

I hope you all have a great week! 


Sister T

Nov. 24


That's where I'm at. Last year at this same time I came to Denver and served just north of where I am now. 

Leaving GJ was harder than I wanted it to be. But then again, I want everything to be easy. I am so grateful for the people there, for the way they have changed me. The best part was that I got to stop by and see Milt and Patty before I left. I don't know of any two greater people in the world.

The work here is going swimmingly. We have two people on date for baptism! Andie and Zaim are my favorite! They are from India! And they are reading the Book of Mormon is Urdu. Plus, while we were at their house last night, I got to have a nice chat with Bashir, Andie's dad. He's about 75 and is blind and was sitting on the floor wrapped up in a blanket because he was so cold! Andie and Zaim have an incredible spirit in their home.

My new companion is Sister Hancock. She's 20, 4'11, from Texas, and I have served around her before in GJ! She is so fun and happy all the time and is definitely a good influence on me! I am excited to learn from her!

There are 7 missionaries that serve in the Lakewood ward: us, our zone leaders plus they have a tripanion, and a senior couple, the Gunthers. 

The Lord is hastening his work. Go to on November 28th and watch the "He is the Gift" video. As missionaries, we got a sneak peek. It's incredible. Share it with everyone you know. We have pass along cards for it and we have the challenge of passing out at least 10 a day. It's going to be great! Anyone who watches the video will feel the spirit. 

We have 5 sister companionships we get to do exchanges with. And one of them is Sister Remington! I'm so happy we will be reunited her very last transfer! And two of the other compships are hermanas! Espanol here I come! 

We had a really fantastic Zone meeting this past week. The zone leaders put in a lot of effort. We had a special Christmas room set up to introduce the "He is the Gift" initiative. The spirit was strong! And Sister Murdock came! 

I didn't include any pictures I took from my departure from GJ last week so I will include some of my favorite people as well! 

Change is hard. You could probably say I haven't been adjusting to it as well as I could be. We were able to go to the mission home this past week and I had a good long chat with Pres. Murdock. It's so great to live so close to the mission home. I'm learning how to give things over to the Saviour. And I'm learning that I still am too hard on myself. But it's okay because I can change through the Atonement. He is the only way. I also received a blessing. Of course, it was exactly what I needed. I can't comprehend how my Heavenly Father always knows exactly what I need and he is more than ready to give it. That is what I am grateful for. A Father in Heaven who is easy to love. 

I hope you all have a great week! 


Sista T
Hilt-dawg and I on our very last run. It was FREEZING outside. 
My new group of sista friends and riding on the transfer train in our mission hutterite van, lovingly nicknamed "bertha."

Friday, November 21, 2014

Nov 17

My time to leave GJ has finally come. After 9 months here (aka the length of a baby), I am headed out tomorrow! My guess is Denver but only time will tell. Deja vu of last year. Wish me luck in the snow. And with trying to pack all the stuff I've accumulated. WHERE DID IT ALL COME FROM?

Two investigators are now on date for baptism. Katherine and Ashleah. They're so great. I've learned that this is what I do on my mission and that's kind of why I knew I was leaving. When things start going good, I get the boot. But I am so glad about it and I could not be more grateful for the time I have had to serve and learn here. The people here have helped me more than I could ever help them. 

Yesterday I was overcome with so many things. The 6th ward has become my home (which is ironic because my home ward is the 6th ward...). I have only been here 3 months but it's like I've always been here. As I sat in church, I was overcome with how much I love the people here. THEY ARE THE BEST. I can't explain and you'll just have to come meet them. They are so giving, caring, selfless, devoted, funny, loving. All the things that I need to be. It's hard to leave because this feels like my home. But I know that God has a plan for me. And for the people around me. I know that I've done what I needed to have done. As soon as we are told about transfers, Satan tries to convince me that I have done nothing good in my area and that no one cares. But it's not true. I can say with integrity that I have tried my very best to do all that I could here. What really matters is the people here know that I love my Saviour Jesus Christ and that obedience to His teachings brings happiness and peace. 

God knew I was leaving and so for the past 4 exchanges, Sister Hilton stayed in the 6th ward and I went to other areas. That's just what made sense to us, even though it didn't technically make sense. But now we know why! 

I love Grand Junction with my entire heart and soul. It's hilarious because before my mission I just thought of Grand Junction as some weird little hick town in the middle of nowhere. But now it's one of the most sacred places to me. This is where I have learned who Christ truly is. And it's because of the people who live here. 

I am so excited to try and be a missionary somewhere else. I can't even remember a time before I was here (JK) but 9 months seems like forever. I am excited for a new challenge. For a new opportunity to learn. For a good humbling experience. 

Never before in my life on Earth has the eternal plan of our Heavenly Father's been more real and more important. I know that each day is an opportunity to show God that I am on my way back to Him. And that I am privileged to help others on their way. He is helping me with every single decision because this truly is the most important thing to Him. I  just wish all of you were with me here every day to experience the things that I am privileged to. EVERYONE NEEDS TO SERVE A MISSION. 

Here's to Grand Junction! 

Con mucho amor,

Sista T

Nov 10


Hermana Bittle
I got to be in the Spanish area! Hna Bittle has only been out for 11 weeks but took over the area like a champ. It was fun to read a lot of scriptures in espanol and say prayers. A lot of our appts cancelled but we kept the faith! And miracles happened! We randomly had a lesson with an 11 year old Kimmy, her member mom, and their wml. Kimmy has never agreed to a date because she is too scared but we got her to agree to pray about December 15th! I couldn't understand much but I sure felt the spirit! Sister Bittle helped me so much. She reminded me that I don't need to be so hard on myself. It was exactly what I needed. I realized also when I come home from my mission, I will become fluent in espanol. I'm going to do it! 

Sister Smith
I came out with Sister Smith so it was fun to serve with her! She is from Wisconsin and has a fun accent and is the only member in her family. She's awesome. Sadly our exchange was cut short because of the next point....

Elder Rhodes and the Sister Leadership Meeting
Elder Rhodes, the 70 representative in our area, had a meeting with all the women auxiliary leaders in both of the grand junction stakes. Randomly we were invited to go, along with the APs. Sister Hilton and I had to cut our exchange short and race to the G Rd building. Before the meeting, Elder Rhodes introduced himself to us and told us that one of us should be prepared to recite the First Vision and bear testimony of it during his talk. YIKES. I spent the rest of the time before his talk trying to say it in my head. I couldn't focus because someone else was speaking and then I got even more stressed because I couldn't do it. It was a nice little cycle. When he finally got up to speak, he started his talk by announcing to everyone that we would first hear from Sister Turner. I knew it was going to be me...I walked up there and he stopped me. He motioned me to come closer and then whispered that I needed to bear testimony of the Atonement IN UNDER 2 MINUTES. He kept repeating that part and it was quite comical (at least now it is). He really wanted to make sure I got it. I walked up to the pulpit with no idea what I was going to say. And then I took a leap of faith and started talking. I shared about the feelings that I often have of self-doubt and inadequacy and how our Saviour is the only way we can overcome these things. I think more than anyone else there, I needed it. I needed to remember what I know to be true and to be grateful for it. And don't worry, I kept it under two minutes. Elder Rhodes is so amazing. He led a discussion by the spirit. My favorite part was when he paused and then asked, "Does anyone feel prompted of a question that is of general interest?" And then the discussion began. He taught us that we cannot force people to change or to be inspired to do more. We can only inspire them TO CHOOSE to be inspired, to be a disciple, or to change. And one of the ways we can inspire them is to pray with the spirit. The Lord knows what they need and now we just need to listen. I encourage you all to study D&C 46:28-32. I felt the spirit so powerfully. Everything that we do in the church focuses on families so that we can live with God again. He promised us that if we focus our efforts on eternal families, Satan will have no power to stop the work of the Lord. I also learned that in lessons if I leave out "I know that..." the spirit will bear testimony of the fact of something, rather than just the fact that I know it. Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer and it is only through Him that we will be able to return to our Father in Heaven again (and I know it too!). Another idea he presented was so simple but so profound: Heavenly Father is so easy to love. How often do I really think about how much I love Him? And how often do I show it? He's so easy to love that I think I often forget the fact that I do love Him. 

Colton and the Elijahs
As part of our missionary work, we teach the members the lessons at 8 pm. This week we had one with the Elijahs after our meeting with Elder Rhodes. We were both filled with the spirit and we taught them the message of the restoration more powerfully than I ever have before, especially at a member's home. Afterwards, Brother Elijah told us how much he felt the spirit and that he knew we were worthy. That was one of the best moments of my mission. Everything that we have been doing is to build the ward, to strengthen the members, to gain their trust. And that moment was what I have been praying for and working for and worrying about, for the ward members to know that we are on their side and that we are ready. And then they gave us a referral. Brother Elijah works with him. He's 19, marrried, and has a baby. Last night we went over to his house, contacted him, taught him the first lesson, and he said he would get baptized if he knew that it was true. MIRACLES. And we already have a fellowshipper for him. 

Friday morning we decided to go on a different route than we usually do running, as it is now light out when we go because of daylight savings. Sister Hilton is inspired. She led us down a road we don't normally drive down in the light and we found a little street that we've never seen before. We mentally marked it. Later that day we headed back there to tract. It was cold, dark, and to be honest I didn't really want to be there but we went anyways. And then we found Tiffany. We did the survey with her. And we started talking about the book of mormon. They have mormon friends who have given them a copy of the bom. She has such a strong faith in Christ. She and her family were moving the very next day to New Mexico. We taught simply, powerfully, and with the spirit. I said a closing prayer. When I finished, her eyes were full of tears. She thanked us for sharing our faith. She said it was exactly what she needed and that because of us she was going to read the Book of Mormon. The last question we ask in the survey is "Would you like to be happier than you are now?" Tiffany's response was my favorite that I've ever gotten, "Happiness is a choice." 
Sister Elijah gave a talk in church yesterday. In it she included the idea that Heavenly Father is up there narrating our lives as we live them. When it comes time for a decision, He pauses. And He waits to see what we will choose, how we will continue, what we decide. And then He continues with the narration. Agency is true principle. No one can take it away and we decide for ourselves if we want to be happy or miserable. And in the words of dad, "Life's too short to be miserable!" It's a good reminder to me to be happy and grateful and humble. And I get to choose to be that way! 

Priesthood blessing
I've struggled with asking for priesthood blessings my entire mission. I've been struggling with feelings of negativity, self-doubt, inadequacy etc. I finally humbled myself and realized I needed help. It was hard. The best part was though in the blessing, Heavenly Father noted this fact. I was told that it took a lot of faith for me to ask and that I would be rewarded for it. He really is so aware. 

She came to church! She's the first investigator we had at church all transfer. (YIKES. It's not for a lack of effort). She's 13 and her grandma randomly already comes to our ward even though we tracted into her! Kaylee Fullmer, her friend from school, came with us to the lesson and invited her! And she came! 

Losing my Journal
I think the most difficult, challenging, learning, stretching, growing part of this transfer has been the fact that 2 weeks ago I lost my journal. I've finally come to terms with the fact that it is gone. I've been hoping and searching and praying that it would turn up. I've learned a lot from this. Sometimes things happen that we can't control. I have written in my journal every single day of my mission. Thankfully, the one I lost only contained from June 2014 on. I know I am an organized person and I just can't understand where it is. But I know that God is aware of how I am feeling. At first, I felt sick. It felt like that part of my mission had not happened because it was gone. And then I realized what an opportunity this is to be grateful for my experiences that have changed me. I've been able to reflect on what really matters and I've started re recording those things that have truly made a difference in my life. I hope you all take a minute to appreciate those things in your life that have changed you because they have eternal purpose and meaning. 

I hope you all have a great week and that you know that I love you and that I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Nov 3

Of course, so many things happened this week that I don't even know where to begin! I do know that I learned how easy it is to be doubting, hopeless, and negative. It is difficult to be the opposite but it is necessary. Our area is struggling right now and as both Sister Hilton and I have perfectionist tendencies, we tend to blame ourselves. We don't really have any progressing investigators. BUT we have hope that things will change because we are doing everything in our power to change that (D&C 123:17). We've had to have some good long real talks about what is really important. I felt sad because I felt like I was back at square one of where I was when I first came on my mission. I was reminded though that in Elder Klebingat's conference talk some of our weaknesses will be our companions our entire lives here on Earth. It's all about taking the time to be grateful for the opportunity I have to learn more about the love and life of my Saviour. 

It's the most wonderful time! 
The week started out with Sisters Conference. Which is basically a meeting that we organize as Sister Training Leaders and it is for all the Sister missionaries in the area to come to! Sister Hilton and I prepared the best we could for the conference and I just was praying that it would be inspiring and uplifting for all of us! I do not know why I was concerned really, because we had planned by the Spirit! It ended up being such a good bonding and uplifting experience for all of us! The sisters are what really and truly made all the difference. They have such strong testimonies and insights. I learned so much and saw what wonderful desires they have to be obedient missionaries. In one of the trainings, Sister Hilton and I tried to be funny...I don't know how funny it actually was, but we had fun. We called it "A Sister's Guide to the Holidays" and we talked dressed up for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas and talked about how we could still do missionary work on these holidays. It was so fun! I AM SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS. 

Right after Sister's Conference, Sister Wetzel who is serving in Fruita came with me on an exchange. She is great! Unfortunately, the past couple weeks I have been struggling with this weird exhaustion where I fall asleep at all time and in all things and in all places. I was so exhausted on our exchange and I said really weird things and I felt really awkward all the time. I don't think Sister Wetzel learned much from me but I sure learned a lot from her. She is so hard-working, kind, determined, and caring. We found a new investigator named Amanda, who lives right by some members! And we visited with 2 new less-active sisters who have a lot of potential to progress! I called our mission nurse about my exhaustion and we've made some plans so that it's hopefully not so much of a problem. I'm excited to start staying awake during personal study and comp study and role plays and lessons and lunch and service and car rides and meetings...hahaha. 

Our ward is the best! The Halloween party on Thursday was off the chain! (I'm working on the whole dignified language thing). Over 250 people came and had so many great costumes. We had a Halloween miracle and our investigator Michelle came to the party! Sadly she is moving to Golden soon but we're happy she could come. We met a lot of awesome non members at the party too! I dressed as a "cheetah" and Sister Hilton was sneakily Anastasia when she is dancing on the ship. On real Halloween we were supposed to go out and work and hand out Family History invitations but unfortunately I got sick. So we spent the night inside. We did dress up as each other though that day and we took some pictures with a timer! We wore each other's clothes, shoes, and nametags! 

A lady I first met at the middle of last transfer with Sister Lara has 3 kids. One of them randomly came to church on Sunday with her Grandma. Her grandma isn't a member but has a friend in the ward who is! How crazy is that? And we had already set up an appointment to see them this week. The teenaged one was at the Halloween party and she already has a close friend in the ward, Kaylee! I love built-in fellowshippers. 

Sister Hilton and I have been stressing and praying as to how we should approach Miley, Ayden, and Dagon about meeting with them. At our Zone Conference this week we learned about the Ammon principle so we decided to put it into practice. We went by in our service clothes and asked if there was anything we could do to help. They wouldn't let us but Miley talked to us for a while as Ayden and Dagon destroyed their pumpkins. We have a return appointment for Tuesday. It was so easy and simple. It feels like a second chance! This time we are going to really focus on getting the members involved! As we talked with them, I realized how much I LOVE THEM and I am so grateful to have a second chance with them. 

Lessons Learned from Sister Hilton
Sister Hilton is pretty great. Actually she is really great. I am privileged to serve with her. Something she has taught me recently is to make a decision and then pray about it. Too often I pray with the intent of Heavenly Father just giving me the answer because I would rather not have to make the decision. As one of my favorite lines f rom PMG says, "Personal decision-making is one of the sources of growth we were meant to experience in mortality." I have seen my prayers become more powerful as I try to use my own brain to make a decision and then to ask God about it. 
We were also able to go to Tatianna's baptism this past Saturday. 
Sister Hilton tracted into her her first week in Fruita. She taught her for basically the whole six months she was there, and she was finally baptized!  She had a lot of fun trying to find a jumpsuit that would fit since she is about 8 months pregnant. Every baptism is so unique to each individual. Her husband, Damien was on his way, and running very late. The whole program was altered, and her kids Johnny and Andrew were a little rambunctious, but finally to all of our relief we were able to get Damien directions, and he came! As Tatianna got into the font, Andrew was yelling, "I want to swim" and there was so much chaos. As Tatianna began to be submerged under the water, the Spirit rushed in. The boys were both happily smiling, and Tatianna was crying and laughing as she came out of the water. The other miracle part was that Damien said a very heartfelt closing prayer. He talked of the exciting new adventures they would soon undertake. I felt the spirit so strongly at that point.

It was a much needed spiritual refresher to feel the Spirit so strongly throughout last week. So many people in Clifton and Grand Junction have so many hard things going on in their lives. Sister Hilton and I got caught up in the gloom of it all a little bit this past week. I felt as if there was this eery and weighing fog over everything. It was through feeling the Spirit that I was reminded that what I am really sharing with people is that there is hope. That hope comes from Jesus Christ. There is never a fog to heavy or a pit too deep that Jesus Christ cannot help us out of! His love is ever-reaching and is just always there. What a blessing it is to know that. 

Thanks for all you do! I hope you all have a great week and that you are able to recognize the hand of God in your lives. 
HALLOWEEN MIRACLE.  A man who has never come to church since I have been here came to the ward party and then to church!
Sister Hilton and I being each other. 


The week of islander exchanges! 
I went on an exchange with the marvelous Sister Tonga from Tonga! Her last name is actually Tonga'onevai but she goes by Tonga so it's easier for people. She is so great! We ate all the cereal treat I made, found an awesome new investigator named Erica, and laughed all day long. She is hilarious. Around 7 as we were contacting a referral from the Alspaugh's, I felt like we needed to stop by the Alspaugh's. Brother A recently got baptized.  I asked Sis Tonga to pick a hymn and we would sing it for them since I knew it didn't seem like the most effective thing to do with our time and they don't like random stop by visits. We went inside and sang "I need thee every hour." Sis Alspaugh bawled. She shared with us that two of her friends had passed away and she really needed that right then. It's amazing to see how aware God is of all His children. Our last appointment of the night was a member lesson with Sister Rhoades, our RS president. She is an interesting and kind lady. She started our visit by asking me if I knew about Canada. Of course, I had no idea.  And then she just looked at me so I expressed, "Is it bad?" Then she filled me in on all the current world events, specifically the shooting at Parliament. My heart hurt but I don't quite know what she wanted me to do with the information she told me. I was so sad for the lives that were lost and the confusion that is in the world for those who don't know Christ. We proceeded to share the Restoration with her. As I recited the First Vision, I felt the most gratitude for the courage and strength of Joseph Smith and for a loving Heavenly Father who restored the gospel for us. He did it so we can come home. Everything that we do now should be for the same reason, that we can all return home. My thoughts turned to those who lost their lives and for their hurting families. I cannot express my gratitude for the gospel. The spirit was so powerful, almost tangible, as I recited those words. Joseph really did see a pillar of light . I know it and I know that every single person on this Earth and in the spirit world can know it for themselves too. 

The second exchange was Sister Seru from Fiji and I was blessed to be able to serve with her in THE 9TH WARD! What a blessed day. I am so grateful that I am so close to all those people I know and love. I got to see Erin and Carley and Kenzie and Kodi! They are all so cute and doing so well. Erin was able to go to temple square and got her own quad. I feel the spirit so powerfully when I am in her home. I also got to visit with Milt and Patty. The look on Patty's face when she saw me was priceless. And of course, we ate ice cream! We had an amazing church tour with the sister's investigator Jacob. He expressed how he wants to be baptized! And we got to dine with the Rice's! Ad lastly, I got to see Karen! I always see her at just the right time. She is having a rough time and we were able to share with her what she needed. I just love that sassy, mildly inappropriate woman. 

We headed to dinner one night with the Elijah's. We arrived to mild panic. They have 3 little girls and one of them was missing. They told us she was wearing a backwards leotard and that the last time they saw her, she was told to go wash her hands for dinner. So we headed out to look for her. On our way we  talked to everyone we saw. One man as soon as he heard, dropped everything he was doing and jumped in his truck to look for her. Eventually she was found, of course, sleeping behind a bedside table. The man who helped us, also had his friend out helping and others in the neighbourhood. That is what life is all about. Dropping everything we are doing to help someone who is in need. This experience was the gospel personified. 

We found an AMAZING new family this week: Alex, Marina, Taylor, and Macey. We dropped by to see if we could set up an appt and they let us right in! How cool is that? We shared the first lesson and they invited us back! The two little girls are so hilarious and the little 5 year old goes to a school called Noah's Ark so she said she knew the prophets pretty well. They even invited us to eat ice cream with them after the lesson. That definitely made them my favorite people we met this week! 

Sister Hilton is a fabulous companion. As we drove past a park, she saw 3 teenagers sitting there so we pulled over and talked to them! I love doing socially awkward things! The three girls were Celeste, Destiny, and Justine. Ages of 13, 15, 17. One of them was homeless and hopeless. Can you even imagine what it must be like to be that young and not have a place to go home every night? They were so confused. We shared with them the plan of salvation. I can't even begin to comprehend how Heavenly Father feels about what happens to his children. And how grateful He is for His Only Begotten Son who gave everything so that all can be made right. This experience really put things into perspective. Everyday I am grateful for all that I have to do because where much is given, much is required. It is an evidence of how much I have been given. 

We had one of the recent converts in our ward have an explosion at us. YELL FEST 2014. She is angry and confused. Sister Hilton and I had no idea what to do so we just listen to her yell at us. This week seemed to have quite a few experiences similar to this. Right before I left, Uncle Greg told me, "Just because other people may not believe what you do, does not mean it is not true." That has echoed throughout my head this week. I know the spirit brought that to my remembrance.

This transfer is flying by. We have a lot to do. We have a sister's conference and zone conference this week as well as two exchanges. But more importantly, we have a lot to become. And to help others do it too. Today as we have been out and about, I feel an incredible sense of urgency. I don't think ever before I have felt  the need so powerfully to share the gospel with everyone so they can experience the miracle of the Atonement. The world is a scary place and it's getting scarier. In Walmart, I wanted to give a card to everyone. Of course, I restrained myself. I don't know if this is just because my mission is coming to a close but I feel that it is more than that. I can feel the Lord hastening His work. The time is now to decide which way we really face and if we really love God more than we do this world and the things in it. 

I hope you all have a great week! I love being a missionary and I love the gospel! 

p.s. the pic with the box is from MLCs. This is what I am going to give the Saviour for Christmas! 


When did it become October 20th?! That's crazy town USA! Golly wolly. Send me some missionary appropriate ideas for Halloween.

This week was so great! We had an amazing Stake Conference broadcast from Salt Lake. Elder Scott, Elder Bednar, Sister Esplin, and Elder Christensen spoke to us. So much of the focus was on missionary work, and mainly missionaries and members uniting together. The members were inspired and we had several come up to us after the meeting and ask when they could come with us! So cool. Elder Bednar spoke about consecration and sacrifice. The idea I liked most was when he said that true consecration is not having to die for Christ, but rather to live completely and fully for Him. He spoke of a casual contentment that is in many members of the Church. We need to make sure we are hastening the work in ourselves as the Lord hastens His work. Elder Scott bore the most powerful and moving testimony of the power and blessing that is prayer. This week I am really going to work on having more sincere and real conversations with my Heavenly Father. He spoke of a time on his mission when his companion would have them say their personal prayers after their companion prayer. He would always sneak to the other room after they went to bed (he made sure to say he was still within sight and sound of his companion. Obediencia es la mejor!) in order to have a real and true conversation with God. I often forget what a privilege it is to be able to share my thoughts, stresses, feelings, etc. with the Lord. And not only that, but He truly cares and listens! Sister Esmay came too! She's a less-active with a non-member husband we've been visiting. We invited her yesterday, not really expecting her to come and she came an hour early to save us spots! Her husband is 85 and has been around the church his whole life. We invited him to read the Book of Mormon again and he told us that he's been actually thinking about picking it up again. He has never prayed about it before and that is what he is going to do this time. It will make all the difference. I am so excited for him to learn that it is the word of God. 
My other favorite part of Stake Conference was that Vanja Watkins led the singing! She wrote Press Forward, Saints and Families Can Be Together Forever! She is quite old and I was afraid we were going to lose her halfway through the second verse but she powered through it. My other favorite parts of Stake Conference was that I was able to see so many 9th wardians that I love! And Texas Roadhouse randomly dropped 5 dozen rolls! They pick a church every week to drop them off at and this week it was ours! They let the missionaries take them! TOO GOOD. (And this is why missionaries who come to the US get fat). 

We've started teaching a woman named Stacey. She is a former investigator of the Elders that we tracted into. She has had a rough life and really wants to do what is right. She has a lot of questions and it's hard to keep the lesson focused but we're trying! She, too, is going to read the Book of Mormon. We left her with Enos, so that she can understand more fully the powerful experiences she can have with prayer. She is such a good example to the people around her. She is raising her son alone and he always has neighbourhood friends there. She has them run suicides when they start fighting or tattle. One of them came out and tattled so she made him run. Her little son looked up at her with the saddest little face and said, "I will run them for him!" It was the perfect segway to bring the lesson back and talk about the Atonement. They also love Sister Hilton and all the little boys randomly come up to her and give her little side hugs haha.

Miley, Ayden, and Dagon are struggling right now. Miley had an awesome interview with the bishop and we thought everything was going great. We got a text from them today though that they need a breather. Please keep them in your prayers that they will be able to recognize how important this is and that they won't be scared. I just love them so much. This is an opportunity for me to learn about trusting in the Lord! 

Our washing machine exploded this morning. Pictures to follow. Nothing too serious and we got to do our laundry at our wml's house  and see their cute baby! Woot! 

I went on exchanges with the lovely Sister Donald. She is from Lousiana and has THE BEST ACCENT. All day long I had to stop myself from talking like her. Sis Donald also served in Steamboat (a couple of transfers after me) so it was fun to bond over our times there. 

My second exchange was with Sister Jimenez.  It was a miracle exchange indeed. We found 3 solid new investigators! I love Sister Jimenez and I am happy that we get to go home at the same time! If I have to go home at least I get to be with people I love. 

Sister Alspaugh, a lovely member of the ward who recently was baptized, had us over for dinner this week. Apparently, I'm getting anxious in my old age because her phone went off during dinner and I jumped right out of my seat. It didn't help that the sound of her phone was a bomb dropping from the sky and then going off. YIKES.

We met an awesome new investigator yesterday named Judy! She's a potential we have had for a while and we finally saw her yesterday! We had not planned to see her but I really felt like we should go over. When we got there we found a less-active we've been teaching helping her landlord move a stove so we helped them real quick and then went to Judy's. She's a Catholic but she accepted the invite to read the BoM and to pray about it. And the neat thing was her daughter and her two kids were there. They have been meeting with missionaries in the other stake. She had lost the page for where Christ comes to the Americas and she really wanted to read it so she asked us! Woot! 

I love Sister Hilton oh so much. She is so amazing. This week she got sick but she powered through it like a champ. She is so funny and hardworking. I'm sad we only get 5 days out of the week together instead of 7 (because of exchanges) but I'll take what I can get! We worked our tails off this week but didn't see as much success as we would have liked. I know we did the work that God needed us to. Yesterday while tracting we met a lady named Karen. She grew up in Craig and had lots of LDS cousins. She felt like they always looked down on her and had a very negative view of the church. As soon as she found out we were from the LDS church she basically told us that we should leave because the conversation would go nowhere. But instead I talked her off. Just kidding! I just bore my testimony and asked about her life and tried to really care about her. By the end of our conversation she committed to read the Book of Mormon! How crazy is that? She didn't want us to come back because she is so busy but she took our number and told us she would call us! The spirit really does change hearts! 

This week I've really learned about how life is all about progression. We must never stop thinking and acting on what God needs us to do. Often the stresses of life can get to us and we may have to slow down, but that does not mean we are not doing a good job still. God is aware of our every concern, struggle, worry, and burden. As we turn to Him, He will lift those burdens. How incredibly blessed we are to know we have a Saviour who loves us and will always love us! 

I love you all!  Have a great week! 
Sis Jimenez! We got to listen to sweet Hispanic music while I was in Fruita. OH YEAH AND FRUITA IS THE LAND OF DINOSAURS. I WAS IN HEAVEN. 
Evidence that I am a member of the Turndawg family. I still often start crying when I laugh. I think that I was laughing here because Sister Hilton told me of a horrible activity she had to do in YWs where they had to find wedding dresses and a boy and then had a photoshoot at the temple. AT THE TEMPLE. With 16 year olds. Why are Mormons so weird? All I want is those pictures now. 

Oct. 13

Happy Thanksgiving!

As I have heard from a lot of you, I, too, have more than I can list that I am grateful for. There was a lot of changes this past week so I guess I should fill you all in and I'll try to incorporate the gratitude throughout. 
First of all, I am thankful for my companion. She is AMAZING. Sister Hilton is from Temecula, California. She ran track and cross country for BYU so every morning we have been running and it's been the BEST. She is so happy, determined, obedient, and hilarious. She actually reminds me of Whitney quite a bit (which is a great thing but also makes me miss her too). We are both Sister Training Leaders. We go on exchanges twice a week with the sisters in the two zones in Grand Junction. WOOT. She and I have been having too much fun so we've decided that our motto for this transfer will be "focused friends."
I am thankful for the spirit. I have never felt more guided than the times I am talking to a sister and she brings up her worries, stresses, concerns. Lately, it's been about going home. I love feeling that I know that these sisters need to be exactly where they are right now. And then I am guided to say the things that they need so that they remember what is really important. 
I am thankful for baptism. Sister Hilton was my STL comp last transfer but served in Fruita. So on the weekend we got to go to a baptism she had. Everytime I attend a baptism, I feel such peace and happiness because I know that it is exactly what the Lord wants to be happening. A little old lady named Margaret got baptized. She was baptized by a youngin' named Gary who leaves on his mission to ORLANDO (shout out to Sista J!). He was pretty nervous but by the 4th time, he got it! 
I am thankful for Sister Keavali. We went on an exchange this week and had a miracle day! We taught a lot of neat people. On our way to an evening appointment we passed a girl sitting on top of some boxes. It was dark, we were late, so we walked right past but I felt we needed to turn around, so we did! Her name is Carolyn, she's from LA, is 18, is Samoan and Mexican and is in GJ selling Kerby vacuums. We have a nice little chat with her about the book of mormon. She has a very strong personality and is very confident. She randomly asked me what we thought about gays. She told me my response was "dope" (with a few expletives included). It was such a random short little meeting but I couldn't help but feel that God had put her there so we could plant a seed. She had to run off pretty quick because a giant van came to pick her and her vacuums up. Too good. 
I am thankful for all the missionaries I serve around. This week we had a zone meeting and then got to watch Meet the Mormons! It's a little cheesy but I felt the spirit so strongly and shed a few tears. Go see it and take a friend! 
I am thankful for Miley, Ayden, and Dagon. We taught them the word of wisdom and Miley had already quit smoking! She is amazing! We are preparing for their baptism on the 25th! Dagon, the 9 year old, is learning so much. He told us that the Holy Ghost is like a minion for God haha. And he was able to relate to us perfectly the story of the first vision! 
I am thankful for our ward. Sister Hilton and I were privileged to teach the gospel principles class on Sunday. Hardly anyone was at our ward. When we got to church we found out what lesson it was.....ETERNAL MARRIAGE. It was one of the most painful/awkward/awesome experiences. 3 single people were there and the Elders. YIKES. Luckily we made it through and hopefully they all learned something since we have so much experience and could share all our wisdom. Then randomly for the 3rd hour of church we ended up manning the library. It was a hoot! The 6th ward is still crazy (but in the best way!). This past week we had a dinner of just doritos and salsa at some members, found 4 amazing new people to teach the gospel to, and got to let the ward know we love them. We saw so many miracles this week of people we have been trying to see being home and open, finding those who are ready to listen, and learning how to trust the promptings we receive. 
I am thankful for the priesthood. One of the recent converts in our ward, Myles, received it on Sunday. He was quite nervous but afterwards expressed, "I feel so much better now." His wife was so excited too and it was so cute. 
Most of all, I am so thankful to know that I am a daughter of God and that He has a plan for every single one of His children. I am so privileged to get to see how the gospel changes people. I am thankful to know that my decisions now will determine my destiny and that I never have to fear because Jesus Christ will always help me, no matter what. And I am thankful to know that the same is true for every one of God's children.

And lastly, I am thankful for all of you! 
My comp and I with our lovely "sister missionary casserole". We ran out of things to eat. I won't tell you what was in it. 

Oct 6

Tuesday we got the text from Sister Rodriguez and Sister Seru that Patty was ready. Apparently she has known it was true all along, she just needed to talk to her sons about it. Well she finally did and they were okay with it! 
The baptism was perfect. Sister Murdock drove over for it (as she has been to plenty of lessons with Patty). She bore her testimony and said the closing prayer.
Everyone was so nervous that Milt was going to drop her but he didn't! Hallelujah! As he entered the water he said, "This isn't near as cold as the Milk River!" (that is where he was baptized) and as he was getting out he said, "These britches sure do get heavy when they're wet!" He's such a character!
Patty's cousin played the piano and we sang "In the Garden" for the opening hymn. I (and everyone else there) had never heard it before but it's Patty's favorite song. Her cousin abruptly stopped in the middle of the intro and asked to switch to a different key. It was so random but perfect! 
Our investigators Miley, Ayden, and Dagon came. They watched Conference at their house prior. Miley texted us during it and said, "I feel like they are talking to me - like sharing the things I need to hear." How amazing is that?! They loved the baptism. They said it was the first one they had seen in real life but Dagon, the 9 year old, had showed them videos on the internet because he is just so excited to be baptized. 
I am so grateful that I am serving in the 9th ward so I got to go to both these baptisms! After Patty came up out of the water, the biggest feeling of joy, peace, and relief came over me. I still can't believe she actually did it! She is one of the most genuinely good people I have ever met. She read the entire Book of Mormon and Doctrine & Covenants. There was such a powerful feeling of love at the baptism because that is what Patty is all about. She doesn't draw unnecessary attention to herself and she is always thinking of others. 
We had a plethora of other miracles this week. We had a lesson at the church with investigator Darcy with Sister O'Dwyer and set her on date for November 15th! The spirit was so strong again! 

I can't believe this was still this past week but I went to Vail again! Elder Lynn G. Robbins talk was exactly what we talked about. It was crazy when he started talking! He was inspired for the Colorado Denver South Mission! 

Patty Miller got baptized on Saturday!!

Sister Rodriguez is a bit of a poser so this is me trying to be her haha. During Conf on Sunday we got to eat with a little old lady from the 7th ward. It was a delight!
me and my comp! 
We weekly planned with Sis Donald and Sis Baker! Woot! Sis Donald served in Stmbt for a transfer so we bonded over that! 
Incredibly beautiful district pics.  I was sick this day so I am definitely looking less than my best haha.

Oct. 6

This weeks first random picture! 
Myself on the power chair at the stake center. Sister Hilton and I had to wait around for our exchangees so we powered around on this thing for a good while (together haha).

The mailwoman I taught in the 9th ward that we ran into on an exchange! 

Sept 29

Kim and Rocky Ayers got baptized on Saturday! I am so grateful that I got to be here for it! Kim did not want anyone at her baptism. Unfortunately (but fortunately) some people came to support them! As she walked back to the font, she looked at Sister Rodriguez and said, "I'm going to kill you later." To say she is a little sassy is the understatement of the century. Thankfully though after the ordinance she was a changed person! She was grinning ear to ear and she looked back at me and joyously exclaimed, "I got wet!" She seemed like a little 5 year old! It was the best! 
I almost let pride get the best of me this week. Thankfully, I have a Heavenly Father who constantly works with me to recognize what is real. I have been praying and fasting as to how to best love and forgive people around me. My prideful heart hindered me from doing so. On Thursday afternoon, I could not focus on the work. I received the prompting that we needed to go home so I could figure some things out with my Heavenly Father. My heart hurt and I was not being where I was. After praying, studying the scriptures, and reading my patriarchal blessing, my heart was changed. I felt firsthand the miracle of forgiveness. I know it is only because of Jesus Christ. I cannot express my gratitude, not only for this miracle but all the others of this week. We met wonderful less-actives who are ready to progress, Kim and Rocky were baptized (and I was privileged to attend!), we got to know the husband of our investigator family and he is never home, and I felt an increase of genuine love for my companion, those we are teaching, and my Saviour.
Though I forgave others and myself, I was still having trouble with my pride. I felt alone and I wanted recognition for what I am doing. I let Satan convince me that I am not important and that the work I am doing does not matter. That changed yesterday. I can be the daughter that my Heavenly Father not only wants me to be, but need me to be. And no one can stop me but me. I find that gratitude makes all the difference. It changes me. I have been blessed with so much. I have to remember that the least I can do is what He asks of me. And the way to remember is by continually thinking of the Atonement and being grateful. It makes everything better because I can see things for how great they really are! I am so grateful for my companion, my area, the privilege to serve the sisters, and the opportunity I have to humble myself everyday. 
This week I went on exchanges with Sister Georgina Smith (I say her first name because first of all, it is awesome and second, there are 70000 Sister Smiths in our mission). She and Sister Tonga (who is actually from Tonga!) are doing such a great job with their area. Sister Smith is struggling to find the motivation to find so we talked to everyone we saw! They had a family of 4 be baptized on Saturday! What a miracle! On our exchange, Sis Smith and I contacted a less-active fam named Jacob and Priscilla Cone (say her name one more time out loud). Turns out they have been married since March and they both served in the Edmonton mission....Sister Cone said a Jason Steed was her ward mission leader. They are some of the most interesting people I have ever met....They told us they would come to church on Sunday but they didn't. I still have hope for them! It was a great reminder that living the gospel is a lifelong commitment (actually an eternal one) and serving a mission doesn't really mean anything. It's so imperative that I recognize and let my experiences change me. Sister Cone also pointed out to me that no one here makes puffed wheat squares! Say what? I knew I had been missing something since July 2013! Yet another reason why Canada is the best place in the world. Can you please have some with you when I arrive in the airport? I'm going through withdrawals. 
Also on exchanges we taught Ashley with Sister Marchant. She is not a member but her husband Justin is. They have a 7 month old little baby. He is in school full-time and she is a therapist. They decided it's best if we have 15 minute lessons. We all shared our testimony and experiences of how the book of mormon has blessed us. It was so incredibly powerful. Both Sister Smith (she was baptized only 1.5 years ago) and Sister Marchant are converts to the church. I love nothing more than that feeling of power that the spirit brings! 
One of my favorite parts of my mission is meeting the active member families. This week we had a dinner with one of the funniest ones I've ever met. They are the grandchildren of the second councilor in our mission presidency. He is a very expressive and flowery man. And his 9 year old grandson, Callen, is exactly like him. When we arrived he was wearing jeans, cowboy boots, a giant belt, a plaid shirt, and a bright purple tie with the Angel Moroni all over it. As we began to share our lesson, we somehow got on the topic of waffles while discussing prophets. Then he randomly states, "If there was a prophet named Waffles, I'd be hungry for his words." Oh man, that kid is punny! 
The Women's Broadcast was incredible! I love the temple! Man, the leaders of our church really know how to win over our hearts. Those Korean kids were the best! I also appreciated the one lady wearing a yellow shirt in the choir and the ginger girl they kept showing over and over again. Our stake had a dinner beforehand. I was privileged to sit at a table full of little old ladies. It was so fun to get to know them and learn about their stories. One of them, Sister Hamblin, was actually in the 9th ward. I didn't ever really get the opportunity to know her so I am so grateful that I still got to. She is amazing! She's from Alabama and she and her husband converted to the church young in their marriage after some missionaries came to their door. I asked her how she decided to be baptized and she said, "I had a manifestation that I could not deny." How powerful her faith must be! 
Something my comp and I have really been trying to focus on is getting to know and love the ward. We are supposed to be having 8 pm member lessons each night but to be honest, any time we set one up they cancel and we haven't been very diligent in setting up more. Yesterday we determined to change. We finally got a new ward list (something that brings me more joy than I can express!) and decided to start calling alphabetically all those we know who are active. We started with the Allens. I had only ever seen the mom and her 2 kids at church. Turns out they do have a dad, he just works every Sunday! It was so good to get to know them and to see how they are trying to strengthen their little family. It was such a privilege to be in their home! 
Miley, Ayden, and Dagon are still doing great. We are running into a few roadblocks but I have the faith that they can overcome it all because of Jesus Christ! 

Thanks for being such great examples! I hope you all have a great week! 

Kim and Rocky at the baptism and finally a companion photo shoot! 

Sept. 22

Well, I emailed just a few days ago! So you would think that not much has happened, but so much has! We had a miracle day on Saturday where we found SIX new investigators! They are all so amazing and really interested. The Lord truly is hastening his work. 
Our investigators Aiden and Dagon accepted baptismal dates for October 25th! 
We had an incredible experience with a woman named Darcy. We were trying to contact a potential. She wasn't home. As we walked away, I felt we  needed to go to a house across the street. A woman named Darcy was in the garage. We taught her the entire first lesson of the restoration. As we did so, I felt the spirit so powerfully. We both were crying. I invited her to be baptized and she said if she knew the book of mormon was the word of god, she would love to be baptized by the right priesthood. She is amazing! We are seeing her again Wednesday. She is prepared and so kind! I couldn't stop thinking about how much I love that woman already! She is an empty nester in her 50s with 3 grown kids! 
Miley, Aiden, and Dagon also came to church and they loved it! It was so magical! I love this work and I love the Lord.
I got to go with Sister Stoeltzing and Sister Miner on an exchange to the Spanish area! I got to speak in Spanish! It was so much fun to have it all come back to me. They are hilarious!
I have been learning so much more about the miracle of repentance and forgiveness. I had to make some tough choices last week and I was really hurt by someone's actions. I don't hold it against them and I am learning that I can still love them while learning to trust them again. If I don't forgive them, I am denying them and myself the blessings of  the Atonement. 
Sister Lara and I are really trying to give our all. It's been incredible to see the miracles every day, especially when we push ourselves to endure. 
I hope you all have a great week! 

Also on exchanges we ate Cornflake chocolate sister miner's mom sent her from sweden!