Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where did that last half of 2013 go? I'm still a little bit confused about it. This week our p-day was on Wednesday in honour of the new year. We helped Judith, a friend of a sister in our ward, move along with 2 companionships from our district. It was a cold morning but it was so fun! Judith made us cookies and I ate quite a few (those helping with the move started calling me the cookie monster hah)...on that note of my lack of self-control I also spent all the Target gift cards I got for Christmas...hahaha. We had din and FHE that night with the Torrez's. They are the best. 
This week I've turned into Dad and randomly go off on mini lectures about missionary things. Sis Fletcher and I have started calling them "Turner Tangents". I'm sure Sister Fletcher just enjoys them oh so much. 
We had a bit of a slow week in terms of meeting with actual people. But we did meet Nicole G while walking around. She is looking for a church and just moved here. We are excited to meet with her this week! We also saw the Lutumbas again. They are crazy! Last week we met a less-active named Draven. On the progress record that we go over at Coordination meeting, Sister Fletcher wrote his name as "Dray von". I thought it was hilarious because he is a tiny little white man. Sister Fletcher was adamant that that is how Draven should be spelled. I was so excited for our Ward Mission Leader to read it and see what he said! The moment came and he definitely read Dray Von hahaha. It made me so happy. 
Friday night we had a "big" storm come in. We got about 2 inches of snow haha. But it did keep snowing basically all day Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday it was about 9 degrees Fahrenheit! Which I think is about -12?? Who knows haha. It was cold though! Especially for those of us who have to wear skirts all the time. 
District Meeting this week was a good time. The Zone Leaders weren't there and whenever that happens, for some reason our district meetings seem to be more fun. At one point, the Elders started quoting The Lion King. Our district leader has the deepest voice in the history of mankind and of course he started saying, "Remember...remember..." And then the giant Samoan started quoting Rafiki.."It doesn't matter! It's in the past!" IT was such a strange and hilarious situation. And of course they somehow tied it all back to the gospel. 
This week we had dinner at our Bishop's house! His family is the best. He has a daughter who got an American girl doll for Christmas and we got on the subject. I said the doll I got (Kit) was from the Great Depression. He looked at me so confused and then said, "did she wear a burlap sack and look really dirty?" It was too good. We then took that mental image to the max haha. 
Friday night everything we planned kept falling through. As we walked around a group of kids of all ages stopped us. They were playing Uno outside together. They live in a sketchier part of town and don't have the best family situations. We had visited one of their families and she knew we sing. So they all started asking us to sing. Of course we agreed and they all stood in a line and listened. Afterwards they all gave us a 10 out of 10! IT was the sweetest thing. It was so cool to see them bonding and taking care of each other. It was like they were out of a movie. 
Sister Fletcher had a small breakdown Saturday night but the Lord was so aware of us even then too. She was feeling pretty sad. Then we got a call from the Spanish Elders with a referral! Yay! Also when I tried to tell them who my companion was they just kept calling her Sister Vulture. That seriously made her night. 
I also got an incredible package from Janie and Sarah!!!! Complete with 1-D pens and stickers! I couldn't be happier about it! 
Sunday was one of the best church meetings I've ever been to! It's easy as a missionary to get caught up in all the little things. And, though sad to admit it, I was doing just that. I got a nice spiritual slap in the face (in the best way possible!). I felt the Spirit so strongly in sacrament meeting and I was reminded just why I am on a mission! The Gospel really is God's plan to help us return to Him. The Gospel became real again. I bear my testimony all the time as a missionary but yesterday in RS as I bore it, I was able to really mean what I said and really remember just how precious the knowledge that I have is to me. 
Yesterday we also had to teach Gospel Principles along with the Elders. Of course, we didn't remember until Saturday night. And the only Gospel Principles book I had was in Spanish haha. So we translated it roughly and went from there! Good times. 
This week I have really been trying to improve my personal study. Instead of just reading whatever is next, I have been picking topics before I start to focus on. It's incredible that no matter what I pick, when I start reading where I was before in the Book of Mormon I always get so much out of it! I am also reading Jesus the Christ. I love it so much and I wish I could just read it all the time. 200 pages down, 500 to go! It's really incredible to learn so much about the Saviour, because honestly I don't know that much. One thing I have learned on my mission is how much I don't know! 
Anyways I am praying and working hard! And I know that the Lord is helping us! I'm fine with just planting seeds all the time (I think it's my apathy shining through) so I am grateful that Sister Fletcher really focuses on helping people now! Here's to another great week! 


Sister Turner

me and the sweet pillowcase Janie and Sarah sent me! It's has writing on it but you can't really see in the picture. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

November 25, 2013 (oops, this is why you should never put your mother in charge of this blog!)

It snowed! Last Tuesday! And now it's already gone muahahahaha. I woke up a little earlier than the alarm that day and I felt depressed. But as soon as Sister Fletcher woke up, I told her to look outside and she basically started dancing around! I'm happy it brought her so much joy! 
I'm still falling asleep ALL DA TIME. We had one of our investigators tell me yesterday that I look reeeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy tired. That's always a good sign. I look through my journal to remember my week when I write these emails and more than one night my writings have trailed off in a scribble.

Last Monday we had family home evening with the cutest little family in the ward, the Trujillos. We pretended to be missionaries with them and had them teach a lesson. One of the little girls taught about the Sacrament and said it was like Jesus was sitting right next to her during it. It was the best! We also stopped by the car wash a member works at and he washed our car for us! YAYAYAYAYA.

We also got to drive to the Mission Office and pick up our entire Zone's commissary. We had called the Zone Leaders to see if they could pick up something extra for us (Cambodian and Vietnamese BoMs) and somehow we ended up going and picking it up for everyone haha.
About those Book of Mormons, we gave them to Vin and Parin (?). Vin was excited about it but it turns out Parin doesn't know how to read any language :(  She is so nice and randomly showed us her bunnies. She doesn't speak much English either so we are going to try to teach her and let the Spirit be the real teacher! (which is what we should always try to do anyways).
This week we were able to contact 3 potentials and now have 4 solid investigators who are all committed to reading the Book of Mormon! One of them is Kim, who I told you about last week. We saw her again yesterday. I feel such a special connection with her for some reason that I can't explain. And she feels it too! She said I somehow always manage to say exactly what I need to hear. This is such motivation for me to really prepare and be as obedient as possible because I really want her to gain a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true! I am so invested in our investigators here. Not that I wasn't in Steamboat, but a lot of them were Spanish-speaking men and, as you are all well aware, I didn't have much to connect with them about. In this area, I feel so much love for our investigators and, more than anything else, I want them to find happiness through Christ and His Atonement.
This week I have been thinking a lot about the Atonement. Each day it seems the more I understand the Gospel, the more guilt I felt for past sins I felt I had already repented of. I wondered if we weren't able to see people because of my lack of righteousness or faith. I have spent some time praying for forgiveness. I have really realized that the Atonement is all about change. I felt like I wasn't good enough to be telling people about the Gospel, because I didn't feel like I was really able to feel the relief I tell people about in lessons. Eventually, through scripture study and prayer, I realized I truly desire to become more like Christ and He knows exactly how I am feeling. I am not anywhere near perfect but I am trying my best. And that is what truly matters. I try to be thankful every day but at this time of year, I've been able to really reflect on how much I have been given, especially the gift of forgiveness. I am so thankful for opportunity I have to be here and to share what I love the most with everyone I see!
Sister Fletcher is the best! She has such drive and determination to find people and to be obedient! It's the best!  Also she is an incredible teacher and knows so much about the scriptures. I love getting to learn more from her knowledge!
Of course, every day this week was not a cake walk. But looking back, the Lord blessed us so much on our hard days. We had a day where about everything that could fall through, fell through. But we were able to talk to a recent convert who is older and her testimony was such a boost! She wishes she lived her life a lot differently and I'm so glad to have her perspective. She also told us we are not allowed to marry anyone other than a good Mormon boy. Haha thanks for the reminder Sister Wright, and I'll store that in my brain for another 14 months.
We had a great Zone meeting this week. I learned how I can help the area and how I can be a more obedient missionary. It was also a hoot to discover we are the only two sisters in the whole zone! Goodness, what a change from my last zone! It was a hard adjustment for me to not have any sisters to be friends with and just be surrounded by a room full of Elders. Let's just say I'm glad I have 4 sisters and not 4 brothers (but I'm still glad you're my brother Blake haha)
This next week, one of my goals for the area is to help the ward get involved. I'm realizing now that I could've done a better job of it at the beginning so we're going to focus on it now! The one member present lesson we had last week was incredible! It was with Candida and Faith. Having Sister Hill there made all the difference. Her testimony invited the Spirit in a way that we would not have had without her. I know that when we involve members this week, it will help the ward realize that this is truly their work! It was a huge change to come to a new ward and get to know all new people but they really are the best! 
Hope you all have a great week and I'll try not to get trampled on Black Friday!
Sister Turner

December 30, 2013

Happy Almost New Year!

Christmas was great! I hope yours was as great as mine. I was far too spoiled. Honestly though I have so much candy I don't even know what to do with it! We spent the day with Kathryn Wirkus, a retired Lt.Colonel in the US Air Force. She is so awesome and has the best house! We also went to the Torrez family home for supper and visited a lot of other people during the day. Their little grandson Daniel is hilarious and kept saying, "Hey Sister Missionaries!" It was very busy! 
Funny Story of the Week:
What's new...I fell asleep in a roleplay again...
This time I told Sister Fletcher that I would pretend to be Heather, one of our investigators. I vaguely remember saying this. The next thing I said was "Just call me Sleepybear McGillicutty." I woke up pretty quick after this because Sister Fletcher was laughing so hard. I am the weirdest person I know. 
Also this same night Sister Fletcher was practicing inviting me to church. I fell alseep in the middle of it and had a dream about mermaids. She said I agreed to come, my only question was, "Do I have to wear a fin?" Yay for mermaids haha. 
Also we realized that Sister Fletcher totally looked like Sister Myers one day (from the District). Missionaries think the weirdest things are hilarious. We seriously could not get over it! 
The weather here has been unreal. It was so nice! Almost 65 degrees! Saturday night we got some random snow but it's basically almost gone. I feel like I say every week that it was a good week to reflect, but honestly, this week I've really seen just how much I have grown and changed since I've been on my mission, and specifically in this area. I am so happy to be a missionary and to have the peace in my life in knowing that the Gospel is true. Coming to this area, I was pretty stressed. I set a lot of expectations for myself and forgot how great it is to be a missionary. I've remember now that being a missionary is all about helping people come unto the waters of baptism so they can start on the path to salvation. As I focus more on the area and how we can help it, I am so much more aware of how the Lord is in every part of this work and we are seeing miracles every day! 
The week was busy and by yesterday we hadn't found any new investigators. We talked to everyone that we saw and invited many people to read the Book of Mormon. Sadly, most of them did not live in the area and were just visiting. But we planted the seeds and left them our number! I knew we needed to find. So we started driving. I saw some apartments that I thought looked promising so we pulled over. As we got out, I noticed some people entering a house across the street so off we went! And that is where we met Joe and Tina! Joe had a severe stroke recently and Tina is his caretaker. He is the sweetest man and though it was hard for him to talk to us, we could tell how incredibly grateful he was to have visitors! Tina has met with missionaries in the past and told us that she was praying someone would come visit because Joe was so lonely. There is nothing I love more than being an answer to prayer. Tina has also met with missionaries before and we committed her to read the Book of Mormon! I know we were led to those people! 
We also met with a less-active when her non-member niece was visiting from Oregon! She is 17 and has had a pretty difficult life but is so well-adjusted. We were able to share the Book of Mormon with her and Sister Mac (the LA) said that after we left she started reading it! Again another seed planted! 
I am praying and working to help someone to baptism as well. It's hard work but it's so worth it! Everyday I pray I am doing all I can to help the area and the people here! I know I have a long way to go. It's this reason that I am so grateful for my Saviour. When I remember Him, I remember to keep an eternal perspective. My purpose is to share the Gospel; if others don't accept it is their choice. All I can do is share! I know I have been holding myself back from reaching my potential. I tell myself I can't do it or that I'm not good enough. I've realized though that it's not about me. It's about the people here who do not have the blessings of the Gospel. If the Lord thinks I can do it, then I had better start believing too! 

I hope you have a great week and a happy new year as well! Here's to 2014! 

 Sister Metallo. She sang at the Tilleman-Dick Christmas party.
Me with the most adorable stocking in the entire world! 

Christmas Eve dinner! Thanks be to TJ (their 11 year old son) for this fabulous picture. The Petersens just went to the temple too! They are awesome!
 The best new mitts!
Me and my haul!
Now commences the photoshoot with Kathryn Wirkus. We are both the same height!
And we were both feeling sassy!
lil cuties
My Comp makes me feel giant!!!!!!!
I broke one of the Christmas ornaments hahahah
and then were we happy again! 
he Torrez family!

December 23, 2013


My week was great! Christmas time is a magical time, even if I am away from people that I love. This week was transfer meeting! It was fun to see old companions and see where all the missionaries I know are serving. Sister Gregerson (my MTC comp) and I shared some good bonding over what the people we came out with are now doing. The only change in my district is a new tripanion with the Elders in my ward. And we got Christmas presents from President and Sister Murdock gave us each a present! Homemade chocolates and a Christmas book!
We had 2 lessons this week with members present! Woot! Our progress is slow but we are still helping it happen. I just really want to help the ward see that this really is their work. 
This week I have been having serious falling-asleep issues! I fell full-out asleep while we were practicing teaching a lesson...oops. And the worst part was I kept talking. I apparently said some pretty ridiculous stuff! Good times. I have been doing better as of late. (Although I did accidentally pour milk all over my bowl full of vegetables one day...)
We had some good Hispanic interaction this week. We met Tere and a house full of Jehovah's Witnesses. That was fun! I love pretending that I can speak Spanish! 
We had dinner with the Tilleman-Dick family again! (pronounced till-eh-mun haha) They are so funny. We ate at a Native American restaurant called Tocabe. Who even knew that Native American restaurants were a real thing. (I half expected pizza, pop, and chips with chocolate bar for dessert. JUST KIDDING) It was delicious and I am still full. 
We finally had another lesson with dear old Wava (literally she is old. I think she's like 87!) She doesn't want to get baptized again because she already was but she knows the Book of Mormon is the word of God! It's an opportunity to help her gain her own witness that if the Book of Mormon is true, the Church is true and we have the priesthood that is necessary in order to make sacred covenants with God. She asked us to sing O Holy Night before we left and we magically made it through even though we both don't know that song very well. Woot!
Christmas Sunday was absolutely magical. We had three less-actives there! And Daniel and Ferneen Torrez spoke. For some reason, they love the sister missionaries and they always talk about how awesome we are (even though I feel like we haven't really done anything to warrant that love). Their granddaughter they are raising, Siriah, also spoke. She is 9 and adorable. At the end of his talk, Brother Torrez and Siriah sang "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" and I played for them. The Spirit was so strong. Even in the practice before they made me cry. 

Funny moments of the week:
While driving home, a group of firemen were crossing the street. Without even thinking both Sis Fletcher and I gasped and yelled, "Firemen!" Apparently we were pretty excited. I don't know that I've ever seen real firemen in their outfits before. It was priceless. 

We also met a Asian lady while trying to contact a less-active. We started talking to her and it was clear that English was not her forte. After a bit, I asked for her name. She stood their for what seemed like 10 minutes, humming and hawing. Finally she decided...."Chris!" Sister Fletcher and I are pretty sure she gave herself her English name right then and there. The best part is that our ward mission leader always talks about Asian people choosing their own English names so we were pumped to tell him about that part of our day! 

Today Sister Fletcher and I decorated our Christmas tree! (pictures to follow…)
With the giant candy canes we got at church! 
Sisters Fletcher and Turner
Decorating the Christmas Tree at Kathryn Wirkus' house. She's the best! 
With two of the Wood children while picking up some Christmas cookies!

December 16,2013


Well I know where I am going next transfer.......

.....I'm staying in my area, with my companion! We have so much to do and I am so grateful I get to help do it! This past week we were able to serve in "The Santa Shop" and help underprivileged families pick out gifts for their children. It really put this holiday season in perspective for me. I have a pretty easy life but sometimes I forget how good I have it. I get wrapped up in my minute problems, which hinders me from seeing the incredible opportunities I have been given! I am so grateful to be here in this specific area, serving all the people here! 
This morning we finished studying the Book of Mormon. I can't believe this transfer is already over and that I read it in 6 weeks. My experience reading it has really changed the way I see what I am doing right now. It is only through the knowledge and power that I gain from the book daily that I have the drive and resolution to have served thus far. Missions are hard but everyday that I strengthen my testimony of the Book of Mormon I add a little to my spiritual reserve. I can lean on that when times get hard. I know that without a doubt the Book of Mormon is the word of God! 
We met a couple this week, Deana and James, who are looking for answers and God. I know we were led to them! Deana is on date to be baptized, January 25th! I haven't really helped anyone progress close to baptism yet on my mission so I am praying for the Spirit to help them every step of the way! 
The Lord truly is helping his children through us. I had an incredible experience where I OYMed a Spanish man. I was able to teach him doctrine in Spanish that I haven't said all transfer! I know the Spirit guided me with what to say because he needed to hear it! I seriously love being able to speak a little Spanish! This same day we also saw a Vietnamese lady named Jan we had given a pamphlet to. Though she spoke no English we were able to feel of her desire to learn and communicate a little about how she felt about the pamphlet! We're going to go again when her children can translate for her!  I love Asians!
We had 3 investigators lined up to come to church. Sadly they all cancelled. But I have faith that they can come next week as we help them with their concerns. 
This week the weather was beautiful! We had days that were 55 degrees! Woot! Sister Fletcher is kind of freaking out that there isn't snow for Christmas haha. 
When we contacted a less-active her grandson answered the door, and then we heard him yell, "Grandma! The Mormons are here!" It was priceless. We also had a lesson with a less-active this week who gave us about 12 jars of jam. We took them to district meeting and handed out "the goods" to everybody. Our district also had a district lunch last Monday at Casa Bonita. It literally is the worst slash the best. A tourist trap of a restaurant, the food is mediocre at best, but oh the entertainment! hahaha. It's in an old JC Penny and they have divers! Pictures to follow!
We had dinner with the American Royalty this week, The Tilleman-Dicks. Annette's parents are both Holocaust survivors and her dad was the only Holocaust survivor to be elected to Congress. Her three grandkids were also there, Hetty, Finn, and Willa. By the end of the evening, Hetty told me that she, Finn, and I, were becoming quite great friends. Finn told me he was wearing overalls because they couldn't find any pants. They also both just called me "Turner." 
We moved into our new apartment this week! My new address is 

2642 Kendall Street Apt 103
Edgewater, CO 80214

(and yes that is in large font for a reason....)

Our new place is great! Plus we live right next to a member of the ward! And her adorable children! We had a visit with them and it was the best thing that ever happened! Adam, who is autistic and 7, loves to dance so all through our lesson he was playing just dance on the wii. It was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen! He can really move it. 
We helped a less-active organize her garage this week. She was baptized 5 years ago. She told us she is still reading the book of Mormon! And we're going her to house (which was built in 1890!) for Christmas!
I really can't believe I've been on my mission for so long already! I really don't understand how it happens so quickly. I found out an investigator I was teaching in Steamboat was baptized last week! I was so happy to find out that happened! His conversion story is amazing and I love seeing just how much the Gospel of Jesus Christ can really change lives. Sometimes I forget just how much it has changed mine. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to share with people the happiness I have in my life because of my Saviour. Also it's crazy to see how much I've changed since I've been on my mission. Not only am I much more aware of the Spirit and how much my Heavenly Father loves each one of us, as an added bonus I'm a total cheeseball. Sometimes I hate it, but it's who I am now haha. Get pumped to have me around when this thing is over. I'm going to want to hug everybody. JK that part of me has not changed (yet....)

Have a great week eating all the Christmas goodies you can get your hands on!


Sister Turner

 Casa Bonita
In "Bart's Cave" at Casa Bonita hahaha
 my lovely district. we are all staying here for another transfer. woot!
 random pictures of life! 

December 9, 2013

This week was so great! (as I say about basically every week of my mission). I've realized how much I have grown this transfer. It's crazy! Monday we had a great start to our week. We had a lesson with a former investigator, Modesta, who is excited to start reading the Book of Mormon again. Unfortunately this week we weren't able to see a lot of investigators, including Modesta again, because of the weather. It would be easy to get discouraged about this fact but I know that as long as we are being obedient and trying to do our best, we will see miracles in our area. And we had so many miracles this week! We were able to meet a lot of less-actives. We met Sister Salas, who speaks very little English. I was able to talk to her and bear my testimony in Spanish, only because I was praying the entire time. We also had an incredible lesson with the McMurty family, a part-member/less-active family who haven't been involved in the church for 40 years. We were able to discuss family history and it was awesome! Mainly because we did training on family history earlier in the week. Training for the win!

The weather here was a little crazy too! Tuesday night it started snowing and it didn't stop for a whole day. And it got really cold! Wednesday morning we had to get up at 4 am to go to the temple. I've been looking forward to going to the temple since about the day after we last went. I was praying the whole drive there and we made it safely! Thank goodness I grew up in the Great White North!  I felt the strongest feelings of my family there with me. It's hard to be away from them, especially at this time of the year but I know that the Lord knew that too and He blessed me with that spiritual confirmation that though I am far away my family is always with me. I cannot express the peace and the comfort I felt in the temple but those feelings were a tender mercy from the Lord to strengthen me.

Sadly, Sister Fletcher caught a cold this week. She's such a trooper and has been working hard even though it's difficult. I'm trying to make sure she doesn't push herself too hard and that she takes the time she needs to recover. Sister Fletcher is such an awesome missionary. This week I've realized just how much I needed her to be my companion this transfer. The Lord really does know me so well. He knew I needed to have someone who would train me more than I could ever train her. She is so level-headed and hardworking. She understands what her purpose is as a missionary and I hope that I have helped her, especially in keeping the incredible spirit and enthusiasm she has for her whole mission. This week we went to The Action Center. It was not my favorite activity. There were a lot of missionaries volunteering there.  I honestly can't say why it was hard for me but it was. I think I just didn't feel very welcome with all the missionaries there and I felt like I wasn't really helping anyone. I've been looking forward to things throughout the transfer, like going to the temple, because I felt like they would help me be happier. This transfer has been hard adjusting to all the change and I kept waiting for things to help me be happy. Sister Fletcher was able to really help remember that I need to focus on the Atonement! And that I can choose to be happy. She's really the best and I don't think I can say how grateful I am for her love and support.

We didn't have any progressing investigators this week. I've realized that I truly just want to help people so I really want to help them progress this upcoming week.  A lot of return appointments have fallen through, but this week we have many set up. So hopefully we can really start to help people through the Gospel. We have some investigators who have been reading the Book of Mormon but we haven't yet taught them 2 lessons. So here's to the week of helping investigators progress! The Lord is blessing us with many people to teach and I am so excited to help them! We were also able to teach a family that committed to read the Book of Mormon together! I'm so excited for them!

We had a fabulous Mexican fiesta ward party this week! It was a hoot and a half! So many people were there. They had a dance at the end and it was killing me not to get out there too hahaha. A whole bunch of Spanish people were doing the coolest line dances I have ever seen! And we ate the tamales I helped make! Delicious!
Also we found out we are moving this week to an apartment! Friday is the day. Transfers are on Tuesday so hopefully this means that we will both be staying here another transfer! When we went to sign our lease, the lady told me I sounded like Scarlett Johanssen and it was weird. I think she was trying to compliment me but I just took it that I have a weird voice haha.
We visited the Lutumbas this week with Sister Utley, the new YWs leader. She served in Vanuatu. And she prayed in Pidgin English for us! For Heavenly Father they say Papa God. It's hilarious. Clarice is 15 and Arthur is 16. They are both so funny. Plus their little cousin was there. He's 2 and was the cutest child I have ever seen. AND HIS NAME IS KEVIN.
Embarrassing story of the week:
We called the Elders in our area to ask about a less-active. This is how the conversation went.
Elder: Hello this is Elder Selfaison.
Me: Hello Elder Selfaison! this is Sister Jame..Turner. This is Sister Turner.
His companion is named Elder James and I always hear their names together. HAHAHA. I am the worst! 

This transfer I have really learned that I can do hard things. I came into this transfer doubting myself and not having faith that the Lord could help me do it. I know now that when I rely on the Lord and when I let people in to help me, like my companion, the Lord will bless the people in this area with miracles! Because that is what this is really all about, the people in this area! I know I could've had more faith and been more focused on the work, but everyday is an opportunity to do more!

Sister Turner

November 18, 2013


Okay first of all I'm going to tell all the HILARIOUS things that have happened to me here.
1. There is a boy in my ward who is a spitting image of one of the kids off of Heavyweights.When we were at his house he randomly asked me if I liked the Smurfs and then proceeded to show me the weirdest little Smurf game I have ever seen on his ipad. Yay for tours of Smurfville. I kept expecting him to say, "Could somebody get this salami off my back?" Good times. 
2. We had lunch with a less-active named Peter Lou, from Hong Kong. I cannot even begin to describe him. We had to wear the funniest little slippers in his house. He bossed us around about helping him. It was so hilarious that it wasn't even annoying. He fed us spicy spaghetti. He also gave us a 20 minute speech on why we should all become flight attendants (that's his job).  AND come to find out as we were leaving that he was an extra in The Lone Ranger! He was one of the Asians working in the mind. I HAVE SEEN PETER LOU BEFORE. Also Sister Fletcher and I were just laughing about Peter Lou in the library and she snorted!
3. I tried talking to a little old lady decked out in Broncos gear whizzing by on her motorized wheelchair. I asked her how her day was and she gave the most hilarious old lady "meeeehhhhhhh" and kept on moving. I defeatedly called after her "Go Broncos!" Sometimes I just do things that I just have to shake my head and laugh about. Goodness.
4. We realized this week that we love coming home each night so much because Brother Allred always says in his booming voice, "Well Huuuulllloooo Sisters!". It's the best! And then they ask us about our day a bit. They're our home away from home parents! 
5. Saturday night I was falling asleep left and right. It's always a bad sign when your companion tells you, "you look reeeeaaaallllllyyyyy tired!" As I said our final comp prayer, I fell asleep but I kept talking. Sister Fletcher told me when I woke up that I said "Please bless all the things we've been given to be safe." And then I continued to ask everything to be safe about four more times. The good thing was we were safe that night! haha.
6. We tried seeing Ruth, a little old lady, with Sister Lopez, another little old lady who is just the cutest. We knocked in our normal way and when Ruth didn't answer, Sister Lopez took things into her own hands. She went to town using the door knocker. It was so loud and she did it about 10 times. Then she looked over at us and said, "You know how it is with old people." Good old Sister Lopez. She is also about five feet tall haha. 

This week (as usual!) was amazing but difficult. I learned so much about myself and how much my Heavenly Father wants to help this area and the work here.
Yesterday was an interesting day. I had my first experience with a  "bible-basher". We had set up an appointment earlier in the week with a man who's door we knocked on named Arnie. We were super excited because we actually found his name and address in our area book later! He had been taught before! But as soon as we started talking, I knew what his intentions were. I asked him straight if he had ever met with missionaries before and he lied to us. He wanted us to tell him the 7 holy days and if we could then he would read our literature and maybe, just maybe, come to our church. We got out of there pretty quick. The worst part was that he said he had so much respect for us but yet all he wanted to do was test us and set us up to show that "our gospel didn't have all the truth". I was kind of angry after this experience. Looking back it's actually quite hilarious. Luckily Sister Fletcher is level-headed and kept me on the right track, focusing on having the Spirit and what we could do to help other people around us.
I was still kind of down when we decided to tract an area before dinner. We knocked on a door and as soon as it was opened I felt the Spirit. We offered to pray on the home and Kim invited us in. After the prayer, Kim opened up to us about how her grandmother was a member of the church. She passed away a year ago and she was the light of their lives. The spirit in that home was so strong (I am almost crying about it now!). She started crying and I started crying (and I don't just cry every other day.) I just felt that strong love they had so powerfully. I testified to them that those family relationships we have here on Earth are not just for here. They are forever and eternal. They will have an opportunity to be with their grandma again. Kim invited us back next week. I am so excited to go to her home again!
Heavenly Father knows me all too well. He knows that I was having a rough day and focusing on the negative. And then I had that experience to remind me of everything I know to be true. My family is one of the most important things in my life. And there is nothing that will strengthen my testimony more than sharing it. I am so grateful that I am trusted enough to be here in this area. I love the people here so much and I love the incredible experiences I am privileged to have. I know that this experience has changed my life forever. I hope I never forget that feeling of love I felt in that home.
 I know that my experiences here are real and that people really do need Jesus Christ and His gospel in their lives. I am a bit of an oddity right now in the eyes of the world but I know that in the eyes of my Heavenly Father I am His daughter with a divine purpose. There is more to my life than just living the day-to-day. The things I am doing have eternal purposes and consequences.
Training with Sister Fletcher is going well. She has such a desire to do what is right and the drive to get it done. She is training me more than I could ever teach her and I know that Heavenly Father knew that. There is a reason why she is my companion.
District meeting this week helped us so much as well. It's strange being the only two sisters but what can you do? We were reminded of the prayer approach and the idea to sing. It has made all the difference! We have seen so many miracles because of the prayer approach! It's the best!
We had two experiences, apart from Kim, with the prayer approach (where we offer a prayer of the Saviour's peace and blessing on the home as representatives of Jesus Christ). We knocked on Nicole's door and she let us in! We prayeD with her. After the prayer we always ask how they feel. I love hearing their responses. Through the Spirit, I was able to tell Nicole that Heavenly Father knows how hard she is trying to be a good mom and that He is proud of her efforts! It was so cool because I didn't know that she had kids! She invited us back and on Saturday we were able to teach her the first lesson! When we talked about the Book of Mormon her demeanor changed and I could tell. She later explained that she has heard of the BoM before and thought it was all just a bunch of rubbish. But she said that she felt like she should read it! And so she is going to! WOOT!
The other one was Candida. We were able to pray with her and her three adorable children. I said the prayer. I love feeling how much our Heavenly Father loves these people. I also love getting inspiration about what I should pray for. We are headed back to Candida's house tomorrow! WOOT TAMBIEN!
Some of our days we don't have a lot of set appointments. So we do a lot of less-active hunting. This week we stopped by to see a less-active and instead met her 20 ish year old daughter Aryanna. They live in a rough neighbourhood. At first she shut us down pretty hard core but we said a prayer with her and then she let us come in! We got to know her and learned that she has awesome goals set but she doesn't have a lot of support. She was so happy to have positive people come into her life. She doesn't remember much about the gospel but she remembers the morals and standards it taught. She wished she would have kept them. It was so sad but I'm so happy we found her and can help her! She agreed to try to pray! It's so cool to meet such interesting people who have had hard lives.
Saturday morning we helped a lady rake some leaves and helped some members move into our ward. YAY FOR MANUAL LABOUR. Peter Lou was there helping with the move and he, of course, was so funny. He was quite gung-ho about it and then when he was getting really tired and sweaty he just kept repeating, "wax on, wax off!!" HAHAHAHA.
So my companion is awesome. Sometimes I glance over and think, "What is Cami Wilde doing here?". And then I remember that it's my comp and they look like identical twins. Also she has a lot of the same mannerisms as Whitney. Twins everywhere! Also she loves Star Wars and has the coolest Star Wars pj pants. It makes me pretty happy.
Some days are difficult. There is a lot of change in my life. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do my very best and I am very hard on myself when things don't work out. I am trying to relax and be happier! And with the help and support of my Saviour, Sister Fletcher, my family, and the ward I am doing it! Missionary work is the best! 
I hope you all have the best week and that you find a way to share the Gospel!
Sister Turner