Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28


Another week has come and gone!
This week was crazy. We had a giant Conference on Tuesday in Grand Junction. We drove to Rifle Monday night and stayed with the sisters there. It twas a good time. Tuesday morning we drove the rest of the way. Elder David S. Baxter of the 70 who is from SCOTLAND was there. And his wife is from ENGLAND! When he spoke to us he talked about the Lake District for a minute and I about died of joy. Also he kept making the greatest jabs at all the Americans. I felt like such a champion to have someone on my side for once! My favorite quotes of the day they said were, "Well, this is jolly hard." and "They got on like a house on fire." Too good. We did a lot of driving. It took us four hours to get home. Good times. 
The rest of my week was spent stressing about the ward party we were throwing for Friday. We planned the whole thing with the help of Sister Muhme. I was so nervous it wouldn't be good. We spent a lot of time baking cupcakes and cookies, decorating, making games, etc. On Friday we went a little early to make sure everything was ready. It turned out FABULOUSLY. The first people there were less-active members I've been trying to meet since I got here (and they came to church on Sunday!) We had ward members help a lot that we weren't expecting to help. Dallas made such good food and a fun scavenger hunt for the kids, Bro. Brundrige bought some stuff we needed, and Kimberly brought the cutest treats! It was the best! We had so many people there. I'm so glad it all came together. And we had quite a few non-members there! Our crazy ward mission leader Fred told us it was the best ward party he had been to in 50 years! Now that's something! 
My companion got sick this week so things have been a little slower but it's all good. Yesterday we met with a girl who we randomly talked to about 7 weeks ago. We texted everyone and their dog about the ward party and she replied saying she wanted to meet with us. She is so pumped to read the book of mormon! She is really quite prepared. It was also mine and sister tew's first time teaching a full lesson in English together and, to our surprise, it went swimmingly. 
On Thursday I got the call that Blake got his mission call. I think I was almost more nervous to see where he was going than I was for mine. Yay for Wyoming! If I ever serve in Craig, CO, Baggs is part of that area so we could both be in Wyoming! Say what? Twinsies! It's perfect for Blake. Hicktown, USA here you come! 
Today we had our final district meeting as a district before transfers, which are next Tuesday. We carved some delightful pumpkins (pictures to follow). This week I taught a lesson (it wasn't very long) in Spanish! I am not saying half the things right but they get the gist of it and that is what matters! 
One of my favorite investigators, Gabby, moved to California this week. It was quite sad and unexpected. And strangely enough her ex husband randomly came to church this week dressed to the nines and asked when he could start taking the lessons. Steamboat is strange!
My narcolepsy has been in full force this week! I've fallen asleep in one too many prayers. Any tips on staying awake would be greatly appreciated! 
This week I've really been trying to focus on asking people to commit directly, promising blessings and then testifying. We have committed a lot of people to reading the Book of Mormon this week! I'm trying to do the things I ask of our investigators, so I pray everyday to know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. It's really helped to strengthen my own testimony of it.
We also randomly (well not randomly, it was the Lord who made it happen) a Spanish lady named Lorena who met with missionaries in Mexico and has an aunt who is a member! Oh and she wants to meet with us! WOOT!
Hope you all had a splendid week! 
Sister Turner

Dorothy! This is the most hilarious child named Jordanelle. We ate at her house earlier in the week. As we went to leave, she grabbed both Sister Tew and I and said, "I just love you guys!" It was the funniest. 

Gabby! She's the best! We're really sad she left!
Our sweet decorations we threw together.

Snow White and the evil queen. Yes I look extremely tall in this pic. 

new car = new license plate!
my district
 Zone Conference with my homies! Sadly this one was the only one I got so don't mind the people on the left. 
My comp with a beautiful scarf we got to share from a sweet old lady. HAHAHA
Colorado is the best!

Oct 21

Hooray for another week of progression! This week we had two people come to church! Woot! And we saw a bucketload of miracles. I am so thankful that the Lord truly is in every part of this work!
Everyday I am amazed at ,my comp, Sister Tew. She is so awesome and so giving. She is very different than I am and I am so grateful to be able to learn from her strengths and to develop more patience. She is a much more emotionally expressive person than I am. I am definitely out of my comfort zone trying to help her sometimes work through emotions but it's a good thing! (And you all know how good I am at expressing my emotions hahaha).
This week we saw miracles. On Wednesday we were driving when a lady walking alongside the road motioned us to stop. She is new to Steamboat and her phoned had just died, leaving her without a way to find the address she was looking for. We used our GPS to find the address and drove along beside her while she walked. As we did we got to talking. She recently moved from Denver and was meeting with the missionaries there! We got her number and she told us she would love to have us visit and to come to church! IT WAS SO AWESOME!
Next we had a church tour with Carlos. We had been praying that he would be able to have friends in the church. He's a Spanish speaker and just moved here 6 months ago. At the church he met the bishop, the bishop's son, and three other brothers. In the chapel he told us he felt free and marvelous! He went to church for 3 years in Mexico before moving here and he is so prepared. And he came to church on Sunday! We have a brother in our ward who speaks Spanish. In priesthood they gave him the lesson in Spanish and they translated for him. And they invited him to basketball on Tuesday! Honestly it was exactly what he needed. We have been praying for a miracle baptism for October and Carlos was a potential. But after praying and fasting we know that he needs a little more time but he is working hard to learn and live what he is learning. Here's to November 16th!
And we had Lucia come to church! She is 13. We were feeling a little apprehension as to whether any young women would be there, since our ward is a little hit and miss with attendance. There were 6 there! And Lucia really enjoyed church.
On Wednesday after our church tour, Sister Tew had the feeling that we needed to drive to a certain area. So we did. (One big thing I am learning from her is to really listen for and heed the promptings of the Spirit). When we got to a street she knew that was the one. So we got out and walked to where we thought a potential investigator lived. When we saw the door we both just knew it was the right one. It was almost glowing. We knocked once, twice, and no response. After the third knock, right as we were about to leave, Ann Reed answered the door! She is so open and ready. Unfortunately something came up on our return appointment but she texted us about it before which is always a good sign. We were definitely being instruments in the Lord's hands that night.
One last miracle. Saturday night we were just doing the usual, thinking of ways to get people to Church. While going through our phone we decided randomly to text a Less-active in the ward whom we dearly love. She knows coming to church is what she should be doing but going to church brought up things from her past that hurt her. We simply just texted her and invited her thinking nothing would come of it. But what do you know, the next morning both she and her daughter were there! It was shocking and awesome! She said she just knew she had to come after an invite!
The Lord truly is in every part of this work. I just have to be spiritually aware in order to do what He needs me to do. It is my choice to be obedient and to be happy. I am so thankful to be in Steamboat. I love the people here so much! My mission is really changing me for the better. Before I had a hard time expressing my love to others and now I just can't stop! I know it's because I can truly feel the Lord's love for them through me!
This week I got a letter from Aunt Emma! It was the best! And I am so pumped that they are going on a mission! Represent!
Yesterday at church I had a visitor tell me that he invented the Canadian flag...He went to elementary school in Cali and his teacher had them all draw something to send to the Canadian govt. He said his was identical to the one we have now but, of course, someone else got the credit haha. I don't know that I believe him. 
Spanish men are very forward and Steamboat is chock-full of them. We had a couple invite us to come to Arizona with them 2 seconds after meeting them this week. It's these times that I am grateful that I don't understand much Spanish because I had no idea what was going on until after when Sister Tew filled me in. I was standing there, grinning like an idiot the entire time. Ignorance is bliss. 
Last night we went to Valerie's for dinner. She is the best! And she has an etsy shop of vintage clothes so we went to her basement room of it and had a little fashion show. I've never felt so glamorous on my mission! 
The weather here is good. It's getting colder but it hasn't snowed a ton yet. I'm dreading it but excited because everyone tells me it's magical!
Hope you all have a great week! 
Sister Turner

Me and my comp in our fancy new clothes! I was even wearing Grandma Steed's wool skirt that day so I was already vintage!


The day I discovered we have a dishwasher in our house!  It's been there the whole time I've lived there.  And it was full of clean dishes!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving (Canadian)


Here are some pictures to make your day. 

 Old Companionship party. Sister Moser and I were comps. Sister Tew and Sister Moser were comps. Sister Encarnacion and Sister Tew were comps. And now Sister Moser and Sister Encarcion are comps. WHOA
Pumpkin cookies from Jorie. She's the best! I also got some lovely artwork from Bryson! Woot! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Update

Hello hello hello!
Another week come and gone. The highlight (haha yeah right) of my week was the fact that it SNOWED. About 10 inches. Boooooo. Luckily it melted within two days. I feel it was necessary to prepare me for what is coming. It's going to be bad. But I am excited! 
Anyways, any week with General Conference in it is going to be a good week!  We've been staying really busy with our lessons. We have a lot of people to teach and right now we are really trying to help people progress, which is the purpose of what I'm doing. We pray a lot to try and discern what it is we can be doing to help our investigators have a desire to come closer to Christ and then to act on that desire. We had two investigators come to General Conference this week so that was a big deal! Exciting times! 
We got a new car this week! A 2014 Chevrolet Cruze. Woot woot! I feel like a champion when we drive it. We switched with the Elders because they needed a bike rack. It was their idea to switch and we were more than okay with it!
On Tuesday we had a lesson with our two favorite Spanish men, Rodo and Benito. I actually talked to them and said some good one-liners in the lesson (ex. the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses our families. haha). The worst part though was when Rodo brought out what he called "plantanas machos" aka manly bananas, or better known as bananas soaked in brine with cheese on top. I almost threw up. I don't know if I have ever had a gag reflex that strongly before. Sister Tew was a champion and ate some of mine when they weren't looking. Oh man, it was bad. 
We had a cool experience when we talked to Flor for the first time this week. She is 15. We asked her to pray and she said yes! That was the first good thing. And the second was in her prayer she thanked God for sending us to her because she knew we were from God. How cool is that?!
This week I got packages from Janie and Sarah with goodies inside. I don't know what I have ever done to have such awesome friends. THEY ARE THE BEST.
We had a church tour with Rodo this week too. The chapel concluded our tour and as soon as we entered the strongest feeling of peace overwhelmed me. It was incredible and such a testimony to me that God really is aware of the work we are doing. I am so thankful I get to renew my covenants each week and remember my Saviour.  Rodo is so awesome and basically teaches us a lesson every week. He is so cool.
 We taught Misael, Jorge, and Omar, who are all bros from Mexico. When we first got there, Misael was hostile. But as we read the book of Mormon, he wouldn't stop. He just kept reading and reading and talking about what he was reading. His whole countenance changed just by reading from the BoM. By the end we were all laughing. When we got up to leave, Misael stood on the arm of the couch to be taller than us. It was so funny. They are the shortest little men. I kind of feel bad going over there because I am such a giant. I must make them feel like children haha. 
General Conference was so amazing! I love it! Never has the Gospel been more real to me. And more than just a church. It defines everything I am. I love it so much and I am so thankful I get to share it.
General Conference is such an uplifting, amazing, and yet emotionally draining time. I learned so much and got so many answers to prayers. We had a priesthood session miracle. Rodo cannot come to church because he works every Sunday but he could come to priesthood. We were so excited! And so was he! He came in his Sunday best and was so ready to listen to the prophet. We got there early to make sure everything was working. But it wasn't. The satellite was down so all the men needed the laptop to watch it in English. We headed to the clerk's office where we fiddled around with the computer there. The sound was not working no matter what we did. Sister Tew and I said a prayer. By this time, it had well started. After we said the prayer we tried in one last attempt to get it to work and it did! Rodo was able to watch in Spanish and understand! It was so awesome.
Sunday morning we watched in Spanish with one of our investigators. As you know, I don't know Spanish. Though I did not know exactly what was being said, I received answers to my prayers through the promptings of the Holy Ghost. It was so incredible.
Spanish is coming slowly but I am starting to understand more in our lessons. Sister Tew is an incredible missionary for teaching a lot of lessons basically by herself!
We have a large teaching pool but we are really trying to do more than just teach lessons. We want to help people progress! It's hard work but I am just glad I don't have to go it alone. I realized during Conference that this work is impossible to do by myself. I need the Spirit and my Saviour's help every step of the way. 
Also we are currently teaching 3 Carlos's, each of which we don't know their last names haha. So they are now Carlos 1, Carlos 2, and Carlos 3. It's great! 
Anyways we didn't have a lot of time to email today but I hope I packed in enough stuff to keep everyone entertained! I love you all and I am so thankful for all of your support. It's great to be loved!
Sister Turner

Sister Turner expressing her LOVE of snow
more snow......
and more!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Still in Steamboat Springs

Well I have a new companion and there are two new elders in Steamboat! My companion is Sister Tew! And she is from Hawaii! And she is so excited all the time! (That is why I am using exclamation points after everything). She's the best. She has 4 siblings and all the kids in her family were adopted. She has the cutest little five year old sister from China named Amy. She is the senior comp because she has been out for 7 months. She got her license to drive on her mission so driving with her has been less than ideal hahaha. She's really jerky and really nervous and we all know how nervous of a driver I am. Plus she has never driven in snow, so we decided we are going to ask president if I can drive in winter haha. The nice thing though is she knows she is a bad driver so I can tell her when we are going to hit something or someone and she won't get angry.
Last week we drove to Rifle on Tuesday for transfers. My companion was in Rifle for 6 months and so we met right at transfers. We waited to leave until later when the other elder got there so we could "caravan" back to Steamboat. I got to see one of my MTC sisters too! Sister Duprey is the best. It was bittersweet to be parted with Sister Rem and Sister Moser. Sister M went to Glenwood Springs as a Sister Training Leader (woot) and Sister Remington went to Falcon Park in Denver. They really are the best and were the exactly right companions I needed for my first transfer in the field. Apparently Sonic is owned by a member in Rifle so of course we hit that up and got free food! Sister Tew and I had a good three hour drive to bond on the way back. 
On Wednesday we had to split the area. Which basically meant I had to split the area because no one else knew anything about it. I was just at tad bit stressed about it but I think it went okay. The Elders are super eager and hard-working, which is exactly what the area needs because they need to gain the ward's trust. Our supper on wednesday cancelled on us but we got a miracle! Sister Locke, the YW President, texted us and asked us if we wanted to come eat pizza with them for mutual! Woot! We had a lesson with four Spanish men: Misael, Omar, Jorge, and Pascual. Because there are only two of us sisters we needed another sister from the ward to come with us. Sister Muhme came and was totally awesome in the lesson. She was whipping out the Spanish like a champ! When sisters first came into this area, Sister Muhme was pretty against them coming to her home and sharing spiritual thoughts. Now she thrives off of it. It is incredible to see the change the gospel has made in her life. Her husband isn't a member but I know he recognizes too how much their family has changed for the better.
On Thursday we got to head over to Sister Locke's for lunch for leftover pizza! She's our neighbour so we just zipped on up to her house. And we went running in the morning too! Woot! I'm going to be able to run for miles when I come home because I am so high in elevation here. Sister Muhme and her family went on vacay this weekend so they came and dropped off their leftovers. They are great chefs and so we love it! We taught three sweet Spanish ladies on vacay to CO. We also taught Rodo (where I fell asleep for two seconds. I tried not to, I really tried!), Juan, Arturo and Lucia. Yay for people to teach! 
Friday we attacked the ward list again. We finally got an updated ward list and were able to figure out who it is we can go visit. All the missionaries ate at Locke's and we had the most delicious chicken chili! 
Saturday we had a great day! We met so many great Spanish-speaking people and I wish I could tell you what happened in the lessons. I will someday! It's really cool that though I don't know much of what is going on, I can still feel the Spirit so strongly! I've gotten really good at just smiling at our investigators haha. One thing I've realized on my mission is that I am not very good at showing that I love people. And it's even harder when you can't say anything. Sister Tew is an incredible example and I know that is one reason she is my companion. Saturday night we ate at Fred and Don-Ela's. I just love them so much. Betty was also there! Betty is the sweetest little old lady. However she is a hoarder and won't let anyone help her. Last week though, our good friend Valerie called her and Betty invited her over! Valerie convinced her to clean up her house and Betty decided to move to California! It really was a miracle. After dinner at Fred's we had a meeting about the Just Serve presentation we did in church yesterday. Just Serve is a pilot project by the church in 3 or 4 missions in the US, mine being one of them. It's a website where a committee posts volunteer opportunities in the community. You can go on and quickly see where and when you can volunteer. As missionary volunteers we don't proselyte, we just serve and be happy. People are naturally interested when they see who we are. It's really awesome! We've seen it at Lift-Up as we have served there. 
Sunday our just serve presentation went well. Fred was a little angry because the technology wouldn't work to see the powerpoint. He told me he just cannot trust technology! Fred reminds me so much of Dad sometimes it's scary. In sacrament meeting all the new missionaries bore their testimonies. I played the organ so I just went up a couple minutes early and bore mine too. I couldn't let them show me up! haha. After church we ate waffles at Freds. Or rather, I watched people eat waffles because I was fasting. Good times. But we took the leftovers home with us and ate them this morning with the sisters in Craig. And Don-Ela gave us some of her fabulous homemade syrup to boot! On Sunday we taught Carlos in Dream Island and then headed to Sleepy Bear (another trailer park) which was a gold mine! We taught six lessons there and one of them was in English! WOOT! haha. We taught Sol, Hilaria y Edgar, Carlos, Jose, Ramona, Florencio's brother (we don't know his name but he had 10,000 kids), and Roxy. Then we drove to Craig where we are now teaching the Spanish people there because there aren't any Spanish missionaries there. We made a bunch of appointments for next Sunday which was awesome! We also got to eat with the Craig sisters at a members' house. That was interesting hahaha. It's always good when the members say they have the worst ward in the entire world. That night we went with them to a member's home, the Prescott's. We had a testimony meeting with a new convert who wasn't able to attend his first one that day because he had to work. The Prescott's had the funniest little son who kept shouting "AMEN!" and "HALLELUJAH BROTHER!" during testimonies. It was rich. Ooooh also on Sunday we got to scrape the ice off our car. WINTER IS COMING. wahhhhh.
This morning we had our first district meeting as a new district. We learned a lot about being bold. I really do think I have lost all my fear when it comes to being judged by people. Growing up that was a huge deal for me. I thought negatively about myself because I was so afraid of not being what other people thought I should be. And now I walk up to people and I have no problem chewing their ear off (I'm turning into Dad). I even do it with Spanish people with what little Spanish I know. Then I have to reveal to them that I really have no idea what they are saying. It's the best. With my boldness, what I need to do is boldly show my love. It's hard because I don't know the language yet but I'm working on it! After district meeting we hit up Safeway in Craig. It's closing so everything was incredibly marked down. I saved 54% on my purchases today! Woot! 
As I said, the Elders are really eager. So as companionships we are reading the Book of Mormon in a tranfer. We are reading 8 pages in englais and 4 in espanol. As Sis Tew and I share what we learn in personal study while reading the same material, we get such different ideas and emphases out of it. It's realllly cooooool!
So obviously my new comp is Spanish-speaking and is incredible at it! In the past week we taught 31 lessons and 27 of them were in Spanish! I am trying to learn but it's hard. I know quite a bit of religious vocabulary and I pray in our lessons but I definitely have a hard time with verb conjugation. But it's fun! I better learn quick or my companions vocal cords might give out on her! 
Wish me luck en mi espanol! Hasta Luego! 

new companion

First sign of winter


I'm staying in Steamboat for another 6 weeks! (AKA so send me all the mail you want because my address is the same...) And I couldn't be happier about it! (Actually I would be happier if my two comps weren't abandoning me but that's beside the point).
On Friday night we got a call from President that Sister Remington is training a new sister in a new area. So we for sure thought Sister Moser and I were staying and we were overjoyed. However, Saturday we got another call and Sister Moser is becoming a Sister Training Leader (woot woot) and leaving me! So I get to welcome a new (luckily) older comp and the new set of missionaries all by my lonesome. Should be a good time. Yikes.
Tomorrow we're heading to Rifle to transfer meeting to welcome all these new changes. I'm just a little bit stressed about it. But I'll be fine.
This week was a great last week with my two best comps ever! We kept just as busy and taught a whole lot of lessons.
Last week in Comp inventory, Sis R told me how she noticed I wasn't falling asleep as much. Well she totally jinxed me. This week has been the worst. I fall asleep everywhere!
Tuesday we headed to Lift-Up. We volunteered with people who are here on vacation from Cali. It's awesome to see good people just want to give back.
Wednesday we went to Lift-Up again. This time we started in the clothing store but they had dire need for us in the food bank again so back we went. We volunteered with the sweetest old lady named Helen. The manager of the food bank abruptly quit so things over there have been kind of crazy.
Thursday we had supper at the Weik's. They just moved to Steamboat about a month ago and are both retired from the Air Force (although they are both like 40). We had the best thai food! And for dessert we had mango sticky rice. I love members of the Church who are also good at cooking. YUM. They had friends, a young couple, from UT visiting. They were nicest and both served missions. They were also hilarious. They provided some great advice on being bold and not comparing ourselves, which is what I do far too often.
We had a Stake Women's Conference to help at in Craig on Saturday so on Friday night we headed to the Craig sisters. One of the Craig sister is heading home (temporarily) to mend some health issues so we had pizza (like I need any more food). I was a little bit miffed because they had two kittens they found outside in their house. We all know how much I love cats, plus I am allergic to them! Then on Saturday I woke up with a ridiculous cold contracted courtesy of Sister Robinson. I'm trying not to be miffed at her too for this but life would be easier without this thing. Then again, I'm just being ungrateful. At least I get so many blessings from sneezing so much!
The Women's Conference was awesome! It was great to see so many of our ward members there. I slept through most of the first speaker but what I heard was pretty great. We were served lunch too! (Yay for more food).
Sunday we had FIVE investigators at church and then our investigator, Anna, randomly came halfway during Relief Society. She is an ordained minister who believes she has the gift of prophecy. So In RS when she randomly interjected and asked if she could introduce herself, it was semi awkward. I think she thought everyone would recognize her as some great spiritual giant and invite her to preach but everybody just said hello. 
I walked into church on Sunday and who did I see but Warren and Cheri Depew! Say what?! hahaha. Such a shock. Apparently they come here every year for a vacay. Small world. Cheri told me Grayden and Claudia were going to come to but they decided not to at the last minute. Now that would have been hilarious. It would have been a good old 6th ward reunion for crying out loud. Warren helped pass the Sacrament (because the ward is so small) and afterwards the bishop thanked him over the pulpit and told him he really liked his suit jacket. Only in Steamboat. 
Also on Sunday Sis R sang with an investigator in church. I played for them and it was awesome. 
On Sunday we ate five meals. FIVE MEALS. gah. We had breakfast, then in RS we had an awesome lunch/lesson on visiting teaching, then we had waffles at Fred's, pancakes at Stephanie's, and finally sandwiches at Darlene's. WHOA. 
Saturday and Sunday were just full of good byes. I just get to stand there and be like "yep, I'm the one who's staying" and then watch as everyone is so sad to see the other two go haha. It's been a good time.
It was incredible to me on Sunday the change that has taken place in the ward just since I have been here, especially in RS. When I got here, it was all business and not much friendliness. Well yesterday we didn't even get out of the church building until 1:00 pm (church ends at noon). I couldn't tell why things have changed but it made me so happy to see all the bonding going on! 

Rodo, Benito, Sister's Remington and Turner
The Muhme's 
More pizza
One last pic on the car bed
Sister Turner with investigators
Two Sister Remington's ( Sis. Turner forgot her name tag)