Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dec. 29

I cannot even fathom that it is transfer time again. And I'm outta here! For the last 6 weeks of my mission, I'll be headed to somewhere that I already know and love. But I'll explain that a little later.
This week I spent Monday and Tuesday recovering from the sickies. So basically I stayed in my bed and slept. And Sister Hancock went to our necessary lessons with a member. I stayed with Mary, the 95 year old. She's the best companion I've ever had. Being sick sure does make me grateful for good health and the ability to do what I want when I want. 
While I was sick, we planned our sister's conference. And then on Wednesday we had it! At first, it was kind of awkward and it seemed like no one wanted to be there. Sister Hancock and I had received the revelation to focus it on the Atonement. So we all read and talked about instances in the Book of Mormon where individuals had personal experiences with the Atonement. And that opened up the sisters completely. We invited them all to share their own experiences with the Atonement. The testimonies that followed were priceless. I wish I could relive these kind of moments over and over again. Each testimony was so unique and so personal. And so real. Jesus Christ has impacted each one of these dear sisters for the better in so many different ways. And it's so interesting to think about how it was Christ that enables each one of these sisters to find peace and happiness and to overcome their hard things. The spirit was so powerful. I remembered that Jesus Christ is my own personal Saviour. He loves me personally. He wants to help me. And He will help me as I turn to Him in faith. 
Christmas Eve night we went caroling! We headed to some of the sketchiest parts of Denver...hahaha. We went with the Alameda District and 2 senior couples, the Kneelands and the Decorias. Sister Hancock and I got to ride with the Kneelands. There were 4 cars of missionaries in our caroling caravan and Elders were driving the other 3. My favorite part of the night was when we would become the last car in line and Elder Kneeland would have to drive like a mad man to keep up with them. And then they would race through yellow lights and we would fly through the red lights after them. Sister Kneeland would yell and cheer and say, "GO! GO! GO!" while Sister Hancock and I were holding on for dear life in the back seat. People's faces when we arrived with cookies and singing are what Christmas is all about. TRUE JOY! One man had to come and personally shake each one of our hands. After caroling, the Kneelands had us all over for treats. Sadly we were the only sisters in the 2 districts so we didn't stay for long. You can only handle elders for so long and then you need to get out! (No offense, Blake).
Christmas morning we headed back over to the Kneelands! We ate breakfast with them and watched them open their presents. They are the parents of 5 kids (and one of them lives in Calgary!). Their 2 youngest daughters are inactive and married to non members. The present from one of their inactive daughters contained a letter. It explained their reflection on 2014 and their plans for 2015. Tears filled Sister Kneeland's eyes as she reached a part that said, "We've decided to make church more of a priority and will attend regularly in 2015, including having the missionaries over once a month and maybe even taking the lessons from them, as I have never heard them before and neither has my husband." I think everyone was crying by then. The Kneelands are some of the most genuinely good people I have ever met. They deserve the best and their is nothing that they want more than to be together forever with their family. And this little letter provided just a little more hope.
Christmas dinner was held at the Mee's. Because our ward is so small and old, they were the only people who signed up for both sets of missionaries. Elders and Sisters aren't normally supposed to eat with each other but we asked Sister Murdock and she said it would be fine. Sister Hancock and I dined with their guests in the kitchen while the Elders all just ate in the living room. I don't know if they thought we would be better company or what. We sat with the Mees inactive son and his non-member wife as well as Jimmy and Doug, a gay neighbour couple. So we had plenty of opportunity for missionary work! It was great simply to chat and learn more about who they are. I love getting to know people better because then I can understand more of just why God loves them so much.
Christmas day it starting snowing and it hasn't stopped much since! It's been a fun adventure! Driving is a hoot! 
Andie was scheduled to be baptized on Sunday so Sister Hancock and I were doing everything we could to make sure she made her date. Just as we were finishing weekly planning, we got a text from her saying she had sprained her ankle and that she didn't think she could get baptized. This was just one more thing to add to her already overwhelming life. Her mom was in the hospital and then her dad and then her sister's house got broken into and everything was ransacked. So we immediately started praying and made plans to just go and stop by that night even though we had an appointment with her the next day. We ate dinner with the Palmer-Larsons first though. He is the most interesting (read: strange) man I have ever met. He has written 6000 poems. And he recited one for us entitled, "The Elderly and the Church." It's quite amazing how strong the spirit is in their home. After din, we headed to Andie's. The lights were on but sadly no one was home. While Sister Hancock was calling her, something told me to pick up her shovel and start shoveling the foot and a half of snow off her driveway, so I did. I promised God that I would finish the driveway. It was quite cold out so we took turns warming up in the car while shoveling. It was so great to just get out and work. By the time were finished, the phone started ringing! I thought, "It's a Christmas miracle! Andie is calling us back!" Strangely enough, it was President Murdock. There's always a pang of panic when President calls around transfer time. He asked us to come into his office the next day as he had something to chat with us about. And that was all he said! YIKES! We were stress monsters the next 12 hours waiting to find out what was going to happen. Sister Hancock had been so set that we would be staying together but I kind of felt like I was going to leave. Well, when we got there he was interviewing some other elders so we got to have some nice chat time with Sister Murdock and the APs while we waited. First, he called in Sister Hancock and then me after. He said while he was interviewing Sister Hancock, the thought popped into his head to ask her if I knew Spanish. haha. And then he asked me the same thing. I can read it really well (even though I have no idea what I am saying) and I understand the grammar well enough. He said that he was short one Spanish sister. And that he had placed an English sister in a Spanish area but knew she would probably be miserable that transfer. So he said that if I wanted to I could go there. At first, I was more than a little unsure. I really don't know Spanish that well haha. But I know that God has a plan for me and he is so aware of my desires. And so I'll be headed back to STEAMBOAT SPRINGS for the last 6 weeks of my mission. It's been almost a year and a half since I was there so things have changed quite a bit but I am just so excited I can't even handle it! Also, there is a slight chance that they could've changed the transfer board by now but as of yesterday, that's where I'm headed! At first, I felt a little guilty (unrighteously) because I felt like I didn't deserve to have such a great opportunity. But I've prayed about it a lot and there will still be challenges but it is a HUGE blessing! This is where Heavenly Father wants me! And I'm excited to pretend like I know how to speak Spanish again! My heart is just so full of gratitude for everything that I have been given and all the opportunities that I have! 
Lately I've been studying faith. I want to always be increasing my faith. Yesterday in sacrament meeting, President Carter of the stake presidency gave a great talk on not being in neutral. He shared a story where as he was sitting in their basement, he saw their family station wagon go flying 8 feet in the air, hit their barn, and then crash to the ground. His sister had left it in neutral at the top of their driveway. YIKES. When we leave our lives in neutral, we will never just stay where we are. We will start to roll backwards. So with my study of faith, I've realized that everyday I have to make the conscious choice to strengthen my faith, to continue to believe, and to pray and study with the intent of becoming closer to my Saviour. As I aim to strengthen my faith, God will provide miracles in my faith that will strengthen my desire even more. This is true for not only me but every single one of God's children on earth. What a blessing it is that we KNOW this principle is true! 
Back to Andie....she did not get baptized on Sunday. I had felt that she wouldn't and I am excited for the new sister who is coming here to experience the joy that comes from baptism next Sunday when Andie is baptized! Andie is so good. I know that the adversary has been working particularly hard to stop her from being baptized. But I know that in the end, he can't win. God always does! And though there will always be hard things while here (thanks Mom!), we can have peace and happiness knowing that one day we can rest from our afflictions because of Christ. How grateful I am for that! 
Thank you for all of your love, support, and kindness. I pray every day that I will be able to remember just how imperative the gospel of Jesus Christ is. It is everything. 
Sometimes we go tracting in the snow and I wear HIDEOUS outfits.

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