Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb 2

Well, this is weird. But good. Last email I'll send as a (set-apart) missionary (You better believe I'm going to be doing some CRAZY GOOD member missionary work when I return). God called me to serve for 18 months. And so that's what I'm going to do. I love being obedient! (And funny thing is is that I am actually serving for 18 months and 2 weeks so I guess I can just slack off this last week and do nothing! JK).
The best part of my week BY FAR was having the privilege of seeing Pamela Celeste Lara Coronado make covenants with her Father in Heaven through the waters of baptism! We spent most of the day filling the font. It takes forever because the hot water tank is apparently tiny. At 5, the Elders came and filled in for us as we went to dinner with the Crofts. On our way we received a text...One of the talks and Pamela's ride to the church backed out at the last minute. Our entire dinner was spent sneakily trying to find her a ride to the church all while entertaining the Crofts, an elderly couple with the best hearts. We even went to the "bathroom" to amek some calls. Sister McRae and I ended up going on splits. She went with the Crofts to pick them up while I stayed at the church with a member preparing things. Her baptism was on her birthday which was also mutual night! So we had over 45 people there! That's about as big as our sacrament meeting attendance! The spirit was so powerful. Pamela's family was able to see the whole thing via skype! They are members in Peru! Sister Fielding and I were quickly practicing our musical number prior (piano and violin) when the Elders rushed in and said that they were starting! So we didn't even practice the whole musical number but it still sounded great! Sister McRae gave the talk on baptism (just flying by the seat of her pants) and did such a great job! Her espanol was flawless (at least to me haha). Esai baptized Pamela. He's been a member since November. He's 18 and about the happiest person that ever lived. He also gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. He was so excited! This was my companion's first baptism of her mission! It was so fun to see her excitement! As Pamela went down into the water and came up, the spirit touched everyone's heart. Esai gave her the biggest hug and then leaped up the stairs of the font to the change room with excitement!
After the ordinance, we had an incredibly powerful testimony meeting. Francisco teared up as he shared how happy he was to see someone he baptized baptize someone else. He was baptized on December of last year. Brother Neeley, who ordained Esai, shared the steps of how many people the priesthood had been passed to to get to Esai. In the bathroom when Pamela was changing, Sister McRae went to check on the testimony meeting. I asked Pamela why she had waited to get baptized until she was in Steamboat. She said her entire life she had been confused. And then when she was praying while here, she knew it was time to get baptized. I strongly believe that the Lord had her wait so she could lift and bless the people here. We had more than one person tell us that it was the most powerful baptism they had ever been to. The ward came so close together and many tears were shed. I also asked her if her parents were sealed. And her answer personified the gospel. They were waiting for her. They are now planning on being sealed in May. During the testimony meeting I shared that with the congregation and people audibly gasped. I just wish you all could have been there! Afterwards, because it was her birthday, we all sang to her and then the relief society brought treats! 
We saw so many miracles from this baptism. Her friend Marilyn, who we've also been teaching, said the opening prayer. And then she randomly showed up to church on Sunday! Laura, one of our investigators, came with her LA boyfriend Matt. Matt came to church the following Sunday! Maria Diaz, a member of our ward, brought her friend Lupita, who is now a new investigator and on date for baptism! The Elders had an investigator there who they set on date for baptism as well! 
Pamela was confirmed a member yesterday by Brother Neeley. He served a Spanish speaking mission. Again the spirit was so powerful. I just wish you could have been there! 
This week I was privileged to go on an exchange with Hermana Bauer in Craig, America. She is a convert of 2 years from New York. She's the only member in her family. And she's awesome! She reminds me a lot of Sister Fletcher. She knows a lot of random things. So for exercise in the morning after Jillian kick boxing she taught me the 10 gates of Tai Chi. And we bonded while watching the district 1 and eating ravioli. I asked her what the biggest difference in herself is since she joined the church. Her answer is profound. "Peace, purpose, and joy." She explained that before her baptism she was happy but she didn't understand why she was here or what she was doing with her life. She had no direction. And now she has one. And she said she can face the hard times in her life with more easiness because she has the gospel. We had an awesome church tour with 2 of their investigators. And we did it all in Spanish! She's only been out for 4 weeks but is a total rockstar! 
I really can't even fathom that this is the last time I'll be emailing as a set apart missionary. I am so grateful for the time I have had here in Colorado. My experiences, the people, the spirit. It has all been to help others and myself come to know Christ more. I know for me that is what has happened. And I've learned that all of the greatness I write to you about each week won't matter if I don't continue to change and progress when I return. It's all about the conversion. I LOVE MY MISSION. 

Sister Turner

Random fun facts about Fred
Fred decided to call everyone on Saturday and tell them church was cancelled because we got about 1/2 an inch of snow for the first time in 3 weeks. He had everyone convinced. And they all called the bishop. And then the bishop called Fred and told him he has to stop doing that kind of stuff haha. What a great man. He's a 12 year old in a 73 year old body! 

Fred also likes to talk to me about Alberta every time we are at his house. He has a brother who lives there. And he used to drive through there all the time. Yesterday he brought out his maps and then proceeded to tell me all about the time he met Frank of Frank's slide! I love all the random connections we have. 
Waffles for the last time.
Fred giving haircuts.
El bautismo de Pamela!
the quilt don ela made with fred's little head.
Elder Turner!

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