Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb 2

Well, this is weird. But good. Last email I'll send as a (set-apart) missionary (You better believe I'm going to be doing some CRAZY GOOD member missionary work when I return). God called me to serve for 18 months. And so that's what I'm going to do. I love being obedient! (And funny thing is is that I am actually serving for 18 months and 2 weeks so I guess I can just slack off this last week and do nothing! JK).
The best part of my week BY FAR was having the privilege of seeing Pamela Celeste Lara Coronado make covenants with her Father in Heaven through the waters of baptism! We spent most of the day filling the font. It takes forever because the hot water tank is apparently tiny. At 5, the Elders came and filled in for us as we went to dinner with the Crofts. On our way we received a text...One of the talks and Pamela's ride to the church backed out at the last minute. Our entire dinner was spent sneakily trying to find her a ride to the church all while entertaining the Crofts, an elderly couple with the best hearts. We even went to the "bathroom" to amek some calls. Sister McRae and I ended up going on splits. She went with the Crofts to pick them up while I stayed at the church with a member preparing things. Her baptism was on her birthday which was also mutual night! So we had over 45 people there! That's about as big as our sacrament meeting attendance! The spirit was so powerful. Pamela's family was able to see the whole thing via skype! They are members in Peru! Sister Fielding and I were quickly practicing our musical number prior (piano and violin) when the Elders rushed in and said that they were starting! So we didn't even practice the whole musical number but it still sounded great! Sister McRae gave the talk on baptism (just flying by the seat of her pants) and did such a great job! Her espanol was flawless (at least to me haha). Esai baptized Pamela. He's been a member since November. He's 18 and about the happiest person that ever lived. He also gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. He was so excited! This was my companion's first baptism of her mission! It was so fun to see her excitement! As Pamela went down into the water and came up, the spirit touched everyone's heart. Esai gave her the biggest hug and then leaped up the stairs of the font to the change room with excitement!
After the ordinance, we had an incredibly powerful testimony meeting. Francisco teared up as he shared how happy he was to see someone he baptized baptize someone else. He was baptized on December of last year. Brother Neeley, who ordained Esai, shared the steps of how many people the priesthood had been passed to to get to Esai. In the bathroom when Pamela was changing, Sister McRae went to check on the testimony meeting. I asked Pamela why she had waited to get baptized until she was in Steamboat. She said her entire life she had been confused. And then when she was praying while here, she knew it was time to get baptized. I strongly believe that the Lord had her wait so she could lift and bless the people here. We had more than one person tell us that it was the most powerful baptism they had ever been to. The ward came so close together and many tears were shed. I also asked her if her parents were sealed. And her answer personified the gospel. They were waiting for her. They are now planning on being sealed in May. During the testimony meeting I shared that with the congregation and people audibly gasped. I just wish you all could have been there! Afterwards, because it was her birthday, we all sang to her and then the relief society brought treats! 
We saw so many miracles from this baptism. Her friend Marilyn, who we've also been teaching, said the opening prayer. And then she randomly showed up to church on Sunday! Laura, one of our investigators, came with her LA boyfriend Matt. Matt came to church the following Sunday! Maria Diaz, a member of our ward, brought her friend Lupita, who is now a new investigator and on date for baptism! The Elders had an investigator there who they set on date for baptism as well! 
Pamela was confirmed a member yesterday by Brother Neeley. He served a Spanish speaking mission. Again the spirit was so powerful. I just wish you could have been there! 
This week I was privileged to go on an exchange with Hermana Bauer in Craig, America. She is a convert of 2 years from New York. She's the only member in her family. And she's awesome! She reminds me a lot of Sister Fletcher. She knows a lot of random things. So for exercise in the morning after Jillian kick boxing she taught me the 10 gates of Tai Chi. And we bonded while watching the district 1 and eating ravioli. I asked her what the biggest difference in herself is since she joined the church. Her answer is profound. "Peace, purpose, and joy." She explained that before her baptism she was happy but she didn't understand why she was here or what she was doing with her life. She had no direction. And now she has one. And she said she can face the hard times in her life with more easiness because she has the gospel. We had an awesome church tour with 2 of their investigators. And we did it all in Spanish! She's only been out for 4 weeks but is a total rockstar! 
I really can't even fathom that this is the last time I'll be emailing as a set apart missionary. I am so grateful for the time I have had here in Colorado. My experiences, the people, the spirit. It has all been to help others and myself come to know Christ more. I know for me that is what has happened. And I've learned that all of the greatness I write to you about each week won't matter if I don't continue to change and progress when I return. It's all about the conversion. I LOVE MY MISSION. 

Sister Turner

Random fun facts about Fred
Fred decided to call everyone on Saturday and tell them church was cancelled because we got about 1/2 an inch of snow for the first time in 3 weeks. He had everyone convinced. And they all called the bishop. And then the bishop called Fred and told him he has to stop doing that kind of stuff haha. What a great man. He's a 12 year old in a 73 year old body! 

Fred also likes to talk to me about Alberta every time we are at his house. He has a brother who lives there. And he used to drive through there all the time. Yesterday he brought out his maps and then proceeded to tell me all about the time he met Frank of Frank's slide! I love all the random connections we have. 
Waffles for the last time.
Fred giving haircuts.
El bautismo de Pamela!
the quilt don ela made with fred's little head.
Elder Turner!

Jan. 26

What a WONDERFUL week this has been!
First of all, we had an awesome zone conference on Tuesday in Rifle (which I lovingly call REEFLAY) which is 3 hours away. I love being in the mountains! So that meant on Monday we got to sleep at the Craig sisters house! Tuesday morning we awoke at the crack of dawn and headed out to Rifle. The entire way there the roads were pure black ice. NICE. Actually, not nice but we made it there safely. I love Zone Conferences. President and Sister Murdock and the APs are inspired. We are refocusing on extending the baptismal invite in the first lesson the first time we teach people. Already Sister McRae and I have seen so many miracles. We are teaching a family, Rafael (the dad), Olga (the mom), and Leonardo (the 14 year old son). Yes, the dad and son have ninja turtle names. And yes the dad has THE BEST mullet I have ever seen in my life. Anyways, after Zone Conference Sister McRae and I were pumped to put things into practice. And I don't even know the baptismal invite in Spanish (don't worry I'm working on learning it now). Somehow in the lesson, the time came to extend it and off I went. Even though, I said it so wrong Leonardo still said yes! The parents were a bit more apprehensive saying they needed to learn more before they commit to a date but hey, it's the best feeling to know that we are doing everything in our power to help people come unto Christ! NO REGRETS.
Pamela is still amazing and she's getting baptized tomorrow! She came to church yesterday and we just found out her family gets to see her baptism! They live in Peru and are all members and we are going to skype with them during it! WOOT! Pamela was raised in the church but never wanted to get baptized. Then she came to Steamboat and decided it was time! She is so wonderful and faith-filled and happy. She and her roommate Marilyn are so fun. Pamela's baptism is going to be such a good missionary tool too! We have a lot of awesome investigators we are inviting. And the ward is getting so involved!  

The miracle of Sunday
We actually made AND DELIVERED cinnamon buns to Pamela before church! GO US! Don't worry, we still ate some though!
The second miracle of Sunday
Remember Sonya, Danielle, and Ashtay from Jamaica? Well if not, I taught them the last go around in Steamboat. They are the best! And we taught them again yesterday! And they are still just as great! We taught L1 and extended the baptismal invite and they said yes! Sonya, the mom, was in another room yelling at the top of her lungs about how she was giving her life over to Jesus, so that was weird, but at least she's focused on good things too! They really are the sweetest kids and I am so excited that we get to teach them more.

The third miracle of Sunday
Fred and Don Ela are back in town. They went to California and Utah for a week and a half. So that meant we had waffles! Also Fred got some new pants and kept the tag on them so everyone would know they were new. He's so weird! At waffles, we had a random Chem PhD student from CSU who was in town on a school trip, Mario from Brazil (who speaks Portuguese), the Muhmes, the recent converts, and Sister Charlesworth. What a hoot. Mario came to church with Francisco, who is an excellent missionary. And he really liked it! 

I got to go to Meeker this week for an exchange with Sister Christensen. HER MOM WAS RAISED IN MED HAT AND HER GRANDMA LIVES IN LETHBRIDGE. Her family goes to Canada all the time to visit and she knew all the best things (The New Dynasty, The Movie Mill...haha). She is so wonderful. Plus, I worked with her older sister at the universe back in 2011. Man, I feel old. Haha. Sister Christensen goes home next transfer and she has got the whole missionary thing figured out. She is so good at helping people feel comfortable. We did awesome dance workout videos together, ate Canadian chocolate, and met a wolfdog at our dinner appointment named Zeus. SO FRIGHTENING. I love going on exchanges to have the opportunity to understand just how much God loves each one of His children. It's when you get to know someone that you really understand why God loves them.
So apparently my mission is ending. And I sometimes feel like I am actually dying. But it's okay because I know God has a plan. This week I have been trying to focus on the basics: God is real, He has a plan, He sent His Son to provide us with a way to return to Him, etc. I have had so many amazing experiences on my mission. It's so easy to forget how real the plan of salvation is. So this week I am going to focus on REMEMBERING. Helaman 5:12 Recordad, Recordad. Whenever I feel stressed or sad or alone or any type of negative thing, the most important thing to remember is that Jesus Christ is real. He loves me. If ever you doubt,  read the Book of Mormon or the First Vision or watch the video Because of Him. I LOVE MY MISSION!



Jan. 19

Remember when I used to write emails home and the year in the title line was 2013? That's weird.
This week was fabulous. I learned so much! (as always).
I went on exchanges with Sister Masima again (aka Oprah Winfrey as that who she reminds me of) and we stayed in Steamboat! The fun thing is that she doesn't know Spanish and neither do I! It was a leap of faith! We found 2 new Spanish-speaking investigators though! Who knows if they even know what our purpose is haha. Sister Masima is so happy and so determined. In fact, she was determined to learn Spanish in our 24 hours together. I just love her! We also taught Pamela together! I am so grateful that she is a patient, loving person who listens to my Spanish! My Spanish is becoming good enough that I can share in lessons more than just my testimony. It's pretty fun to experience the gift of tongues firsthand! 
I also went on exchanges with Sister Allison to Craig, America. Sister Allison and I are very similar in the way we view ourselves, the world, and others. She is training a new missionary right now and I hope I was able to help her see how great she is doing! Nothing will change if we are hard on ourselves. We had so much fun and saw miracles! New investigators, powerful lesson, and the best dinner with a member who used to be a chef at Olive Garden! Woot! We had an amazing lesson with Maria and Sister Prescott, who I know from when I served in Steamboat before and we did a little work in Craig. The spirit was so powerful as Sister Prescott shared how Ether 12:4 helps her to face each day with hope and positivity. The members make the gospel real for people. 
Pamela, who is going to be baptized on January 27th (her birthday), came to church yesterday! We had a church tour with her and her roommate Marilyn on Saturday night with a member, Sister Blake. They got so excited when we opened up the baptismal font, even giddy! And then we read the account of Christ's baptism from the Bible. The spirit was so powerful and they both started crying! Pamela is from Peru and her whole family are member but she just never got baptized. She is going to have her mom on skype when she is baptized so she can see it! 
Last night we had a fun adventure...we went to the sleepy bear trailer park and had 2 amazing lessons with complete families (mom, dad, kids) with a member present! This never happens! Sadly though when we came out of the last lesson, our car was gone! haha. Sis McRae was mildly panicky but I just laughed and forced her to take pictures in front of the towing sign. Francisco and Gaby drove us to pick up our car. They had left it on the truck and the man working there was not too impressed that he had to get it off. Thankfully though, we were in good spirits. I hope it lifted his day as he didn't seem to be enjoying his life. I am so thankful for such great members who serve us and help us when we need it! Recuerdas! 
We tried to have a district meeting this week but unfortunately the other Elders in our district got stranded in Baggs, Wyoming. So then we didn't. I love it being week 4 and we still haven't had one yet because of the mountains! 
We got to eat with one of my favorite families this week, the Sherrods. He was the bishop when I was here last night. And what a classic Steamboat bishop he was (crocs to church on sunday, bringing his pitbull to the broadcast of general conference). We had so many good laughs and ate way too much candy! And we didn't just have tacos, we had elk tacos! 
This scripture in 3 nephi 13 has really been helping me as of late: 

 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

 32 For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
It's far too easy to be worried about the future. But I know in whom I should trust. And so I don't even need to worry about the future. All I can control is right now. And what I do each day to come unto Christ. This is a constant struggle for me but I am trying to learn how to rely on the Lord and trust in His promises. 
Church yesterday was so powerful. I love the sacrament and I love knowing that I can become as clean as I was at baptism every single week. It's so empowering. We had also had such a wonderful lesson on prayer in RS. I am so thankful for such a great ward! 
I also got word that Katherine, who I taught when I was in the 6th ward, got baptized yesterday! How exciting is that?! I love her so much and I am so thankful for the small role I was able to play. She is only 16 but I know that she will keep the commitments that she has made! 
For the first time in my mission, we actually made the cinnamon rolls for our investigators on Sunday morning. Usually it's just a nice idea that we have to get them to come to church. But we actually did it! Sadly, we sometimes forget how far away we live so we didn't have time to drop them off and ended up eating them all ourselves later in the day. But at least we made them this time! Progression is perfection! 
I am so thankful to be a representative of the Lord, to understand His plan more each day, and to apply it in my relationships and actions. I know that the message that we share is more than just a message. It is the way things really are. And I know that it is all possible because of Jesus Christ. Sometimes I forget to be grateful for all He has done for me. I am so grateful for a Saviour who will never forget me. And who will never forget anyone. Each decision we make is a decision to come unto Christ and for that I am grateful. 
I hope you all have a great week! 

Con mucho amor,

Sometimes I force the sisters to take glamour shots of me. 

Jan. 12

Hola mi familia!

I cannot even believe that another week has come and gone! I LOVE MY MISSION.
This week we had exchanges with both sets of sisters: Meeker and Craig Spanish. On Tuesday we had a zone meeting with our tiny zone (only 14 missionaries) where we discussed our goals for the year, faith, and using the area book effectively. They had me bear my testimony at the end (because it was my last zone meeting and that made me angry...JK.) Afterwards I headed to Meeker CO with Sister Masima from Samoa. She served in the Mountain View ward after I did and was able to tell me so many good things! A less-active fam we worked with, the Acostas, finally were sealed in the temple and so many people had babies in that ward! It was so fun to reminisce about all the great people in that ward! We had a miracle exchange! We taught so powerfully together and felt the spirit guiding us. We had an especially poignant experience with a young recent convert, age 12, who has been making some horrible choices in her life. She was suspended from school and we met with her and her grandma who recently got out of jail. I was at a loss of what to share with her. And then the Spirit whispered to me, just tell them how much their Heavenly Father loves them. And so I did. And I don't know if it will make any difference in their choices. But I do know that if something is going to make a difference, that is the only thing that will. It is recognizing how much God loves us and then wanting to return that love through our obedience. Fun fact: Sister Masima and I did the best workout video ever: weird "reggae funk" dancing! It was a nice change from Jillian, that's for sure! And we had a hoot while doing it!
My second exchange of the week was with Sister Allison in Craig, America. (people there call it that and no one knows why and it's weird but it's great). I left Steamboat for both of the exchanges because I'm still honing in on my espanol skills. This week I am going to try and stay here! YIKES. Sister Allison is incredible. She's from Texas and actually knew Sister Hancock a little from before her mission. My favorite thing, absolutely, about missionary work is knowing that you've been the instrument by which God can help someone. It's not me at all but it is my obedience that facilitates the Spirit. It's the best feeling in the world and it's where true happiness comes from. That's why Christ had so much peace and happiness, even in the midst of horrible things, because He was always looking for ways he could help people. And that's why I love exchanges. Both sisters were struggling with feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. That's where I have been before. And because of the trials God has blessed me with I was able to help them see how amazing they are, how much God loves them, and how blessed we are to KNOW we can trust in God's promises. Sister Allison is being who God needs her to be but Satan is trying to convince that her offering is not good enough. The spirit helped us understand what God expects of us. Our offering will never be "good enough" and that is why He provided us with a Saviour, a personal and loving Saviour, who can help us each perfectly and individually find happiness. A big lesson for me this week was realizing that the gospel of Jesus Christ is about happiness. God wants us to be happy. That is His greatest desire. He wants us to have joy. And that's why He does all that He does. 
The ward here is doing swimmingly. We've been trying to focus on building, lifting, and blessing the members. This ward is even tinier than I remember. And as of right now, not too many people are keen on the idea of coming to lessons with us. So we're taking advice from pmg and doing service! And we're going to help the ward members see how amazing they are and how much power they have when they come with us to lessons! 
My Spanish is....hahaha. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm going for itIt's been such a hoot to speak Spanish. I feel like a brand new missionary again. We are seeing so many miracles. I'm learning how to trust in the Lord and not in my own wisdom. I am so grateful for this opportunity to truly understand humility, that my true strength lies in the Lord and not in my own knowledge! I honestly most of the time have no idea what anyone is saying in any lesson but as soon as I open my mouth it is filled. We taught Pamela, who is on date for Jan 27th, and her roommate Marilyn (both from Peru) the word of wisdom (la palabra de sabiduria). As we taught, I randomly started sharing with them my past issues with body image and how the word of wisdom helps us love ourselves the way God loves us ALL IN SPANISH. Afterwards, I was just so thankful and astounded at the ability the Spirit has to help us when God needs us to do something for Him. Pamela is getting so excited for her baptism! She was not able to come to church this past week but will be able to next week as she asked for work off. She is so great and has such a light about her. I am so excited for her! We have been trying to involve as many members as possible. The ward is getting excited about the baptism. It will be held on a Tuesday (the same night as mutual) because it is her birthday. The YMs and YWs have even decided as part of their activity they will attend the baptism!
I wanted to tell you all about Veronica. She is a recent convert who was baptized in March and she is the only member in her immediate family. She has an uncle who takes her to church. She is 11. And she is INCREDIBLE. Her family lives in one of the many trailer parks we frequent called Sleepy Bear. She lives in a home that looks to be from a 3rd world country. The ward has been helping with a few things. She has 13 siblings. Her family is from Mexico. The first time I met her she said, "Sorry I didn't come to church last week. I wasn't feeling well." When I was 11 I would have been overjoyed at the thought of not having to go to church. She is so prepared. And she is a light to her family. She has such a desire to do the right thing. I love her so much for it. Lately I've been pondering on the question of who I was before I came to Earth and who the other people around me were. I know that Veronica was so faithful and so devoted to her Father in Heaven before she came here. And that she was ready to receive the gospel when she did so she can be an instrument in God's hands. Have you ever thought about who you were in the premortal life?
I've been able to reconnect with even more people this week. I finally saw Jamie! She got baptized when I was first here! She is really busy with her work schedule (driving shuttle for the ski resorts) but she came to church yesterday and we had a great reunion! I just love her! Also we ate dinner at Darlene's with Gaby. Darlene is very special and I was so happy to be back in her home. This is from the email I wrote to my mission president September 23, 2013. 
"We had a fabulous lesson with Darlene, a less-active. She is the sweetest and I love her so much. Her husband, who never had anything to do with the church, recently passed away. She has been struggling with the fact that she doesn't know if he will accept the Gospel. The Spirit is always so strong in her home as we discuss things and this time was no different. As she relayed her concerns, the overwhelming thought came to me that my cousin Ryan was helping on the other side with her husband. At first, I thought, no that's strange, but it was true and I could not deny it. Ryan passed away in his early twenties after his mission. He was the best example and I know it was exactly what Darlene needed to hear that someone I knew was helping her husband on the other side. I've never had a spiritual experience where the thought came into my mind so strongly. It was awesome! "
How cool to remember just how aware God is of us.  I love my mission! And I know that God has a plan for us. Though I don't like to see anyone suffer, especially a family member, I know that this trial is bringing my family closer together and helping us remember what is truly important. I know that God has a plan. I am so grateful that I've been able to see my family's faith through this. Your letters are truly inspiring and motivate me to be a more dedicated, more obedient, more loving, disciple of Christ. 
This week I have been studying prayer. I've been thinking about why we pray and more importantly my thoughts have been led to the reason why we can even pray, that it is only through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. We need to pray and then do, not pray and wait. And I've been thinking of if my prayers are seeking to fulfill God's plan. Am I praying with the intent to change? This week I am going to focus on praying with faith and then acting in faith. I invite all of you to read 2 Nephi 32, Enos, and Alma 34 as well as Ask in Faith by Elder Bednar and to really ponder about how you can utilize the gift of prayer to become closer to your Saviour, Jesus Christ. I promise that as you do this you will feel closer to Him, feel more guidance, and feel more peace and hope about change and progress. You will find "a commitment to persevere in doing whatever might be required for the blessings God has promised us to be honored." 
I hope you all have a great week! And that you remember just how much God loves you! 


Hermana T

Jan. 5

Well I'm back in the boat! This last week was crazy. First of all, Monday night I was getting packed and ready to go when we got a mission-wide text telling us that transfers was being postponed! Say what? So I got an extra 2 days in Lakewood! Denver got hit with a pretty nasty blizzard and the roads were absolutely horrible. All the returning home missionaries still had to meet at the mission home on Tuesday though so Sister Hancock and I got to go pick up Sister Knecht because her comp, Sister Remington, was going home. Sister Hancock and I slid all over the roads on the way there. When we got there we said goodbye to Sister Remington and then headed out in our car. Our car is horrible on the roads and was fishtailing everywhere so we decided to go back and drive Sister Knecht's car instead. So we headed back for the mission home. When we got back there, Sister Murdock was in a tizzy. They didn't expect to have all the new missionaries still there (they should've been out with their comps) and all the returning home missionaries together. The returnees were supposed to go to the temple but they didn't have enough cars so we volunteered our car. Sister Murdock had to drive the hutterite mission van to the airport to take all her kids that had been visiting and so we stayed and changed all the sheets on the beds, did the laundry, and started making dinner. It was so much fun! And then we knew the reason why we needed to go back and switch our car otherwise we wouldn't have been there to help Sister Murdock! Inspired! 
The rest of Tuesday and Wednesday flew by! Sister Knecht is one of my favorite people and we all know how time flies when you're having fun. We shoveled driveways for 2 hours Wednesday morning (in our skirts!). We dined with the Gunthers. She sneakily tried to convince me that she had seen the transfer board and that I wasn't going to Steamboat anymore. I believed her for a bit and got kind of sad about it. It was a good lesson for me to learn though that God has a plan and He will always know what is best for me. New Year's Eve we spent with the Kneelands and the Decorias (both Senior couples). We shared the first lesson and they told us what a wonderful spirit we had! Woot! I thought it was so cold in Denver (this was before I came to Steamboat...) 
We also saw Andie that night with the Gunthers. We were all pretty nervous. When we found out transfers we postponed we sent her a text asking her if she would want to be baptized Wednesday night. She then sent us a really long text saying that she didn't need to be baptized to be a good person and all that kind of stuff. It broke our hearts. So that's why we were apprehensive when we went on Wednesday. Andie was just stressed. She still wants to get baptized and she knows it's the right thing to do! And she said the sooner, the better because she knows how important it is! What a wonderful blessing that she still has a desire. She has a lot on her plate right now and is figuring out how to handle it all. 
Thursday morning we headed to transfers at 6:40 a.m. I just wish I could've been with Sister Hancock and Sister Knecht forever. They are so great. Transfers always fly by and soon I was in the backseat of the hutterite van with sister Arnold and Sister Adair driving to Rifle. After a very long day, we finally made it Steamboat at 7:30 pm. We got tot each Pamela! She is on date for the 27th of January, her birthday. She is from Peru and has lived here for one month. Her family in Peru are members and while she was there she went to church regularly. She could only come to RS yesterday because of her work schedule but she came to our ward waffle party afterwards at our WML's house. She is so wonderful and expressed that she has a testimony that the Book of Mormon is the word of God! My espanol is muy malo pero yo se puedo improve con la ayuda de Dios. haha. Sister McRae is my new companion! She is going to have a hoot of a transfer with a comp who can't really speak the language. But in our lessons I have felt the spirit and that is what truly matters. I can testify that the gift of tongues is a real gift. In lessons, I have been able to share what I feel in not perfect Spanish but in a way that the investigator can understand. 
The very next day after I got here we had to drive all the way back to Vail for MLCs. It made for one tired Sister Turner. President Murdock shared with us his inspired goal for 2015 to baptize 1081 people. That's one person every month for every companionship PLUS ONE MORE, meaning that we are all about the one. I felt the spirit testify to me that this goal is inspired. We learned about faith. I am so excited for this next year to continue to strengthen my faith with the challenges I know will come. 
STEAMBOAT IS FREEZING. It was -22 when we left one day. Golly! Thankfully, it's warmed up quite a bit. 
Saturday we weekly planned and I got sick. I felt really badly for Sister McRae that she couldn't go out and work but I knew that I was not well enough to go. We did see Joel and taught him the first lesson with Francisco. 
Sunday was the best! It was so great to see all the people I love so much. One of my favourite parts was that Francisco blessed the sacrament, bore his testimony, and is the assistant ward mission leader. When I left Stmbt the first time, we had taught him twice. Now he is a member who holds the priesthood and magnifies his calling. Another convert, Esai, also bore his testimony, as well as Gaby! I love Gaby! I taught her a bit more but was not here when she was baptized. It was incredible to see the progression they have all made. On that note, I also bore my testimony. Afterwards, both Brother and Sister Burke commented to me how much I had changed since I was last here. So that was pretty neat. 
After church, we had waffles at Fred's house, just like old times. When I first called Fred on Thursday I told him the new sister was Sister Turner. He didn't say anything until about 5 minutes later when he exclaimed, "Sister Turner! I remember now!" It was such a classic Fred moment. Another classic Fred moment was when he was reunited with his dog, Nicha. Oh goodness I wish I could've videoed it for you. Waffles was insanity. There was so many people there. And I started to feel really really sick. So I kind of just sat there. But I got a blessing and some remedies from Don Ela. We went home so I could sleep for a little bit and we planned on going out to work later that night but I accidentally slept from 4 to 8:30 so apparently I really needed it. I'm feeling a little better today. 

I am so excited for the next 5 weeks to help the Lord in His work!  I love Steamboat and I know that the gospel is just as true here as it is any other place in the world!

Dec. 29

I cannot even fathom that it is transfer time again. And I'm outta here! For the last 6 weeks of my mission, I'll be headed to somewhere that I already know and love. But I'll explain that a little later.
This week I spent Monday and Tuesday recovering from the sickies. So basically I stayed in my bed and slept. And Sister Hancock went to our necessary lessons with a member. I stayed with Mary, the 95 year old. She's the best companion I've ever had. Being sick sure does make me grateful for good health and the ability to do what I want when I want. 
While I was sick, we planned our sister's conference. And then on Wednesday we had it! At first, it was kind of awkward and it seemed like no one wanted to be there. Sister Hancock and I had received the revelation to focus it on the Atonement. So we all read and talked about instances in the Book of Mormon where individuals had personal experiences with the Atonement. And that opened up the sisters completely. We invited them all to share their own experiences with the Atonement. The testimonies that followed were priceless. I wish I could relive these kind of moments over and over again. Each testimony was so unique and so personal. And so real. Jesus Christ has impacted each one of these dear sisters for the better in so many different ways. And it's so interesting to think about how it was Christ that enables each one of these sisters to find peace and happiness and to overcome their hard things. The spirit was so powerful. I remembered that Jesus Christ is my own personal Saviour. He loves me personally. He wants to help me. And He will help me as I turn to Him in faith. 
Christmas Eve night we went caroling! We headed to some of the sketchiest parts of Denver...hahaha. We went with the Alameda District and 2 senior couples, the Kneelands and the Decorias. Sister Hancock and I got to ride with the Kneelands. There were 4 cars of missionaries in our caroling caravan and Elders were driving the other 3. My favorite part of the night was when we would become the last car in line and Elder Kneeland would have to drive like a mad man to keep up with them. And then they would race through yellow lights and we would fly through the red lights after them. Sister Kneeland would yell and cheer and say, "GO! GO! GO!" while Sister Hancock and I were holding on for dear life in the back seat. People's faces when we arrived with cookies and singing are what Christmas is all about. TRUE JOY! One man had to come and personally shake each one of our hands. After caroling, the Kneelands had us all over for treats. Sadly we were the only sisters in the 2 districts so we didn't stay for long. You can only handle elders for so long and then you need to get out! (No offense, Blake).
Christmas morning we headed back over to the Kneelands! We ate breakfast with them and watched them open their presents. They are the parents of 5 kids (and one of them lives in Calgary!). Their 2 youngest daughters are inactive and married to non members. The present from one of their inactive daughters contained a letter. It explained their reflection on 2014 and their plans for 2015. Tears filled Sister Kneeland's eyes as she reached a part that said, "We've decided to make church more of a priority and will attend regularly in 2015, including having the missionaries over once a month and maybe even taking the lessons from them, as I have never heard them before and neither has my husband." I think everyone was crying by then. The Kneelands are some of the most genuinely good people I have ever met. They deserve the best and their is nothing that they want more than to be together forever with their family. And this little letter provided just a little more hope.
Christmas dinner was held at the Mee's. Because our ward is so small and old, they were the only people who signed up for both sets of missionaries. Elders and Sisters aren't normally supposed to eat with each other but we asked Sister Murdock and she said it would be fine. Sister Hancock and I dined with their guests in the kitchen while the Elders all just ate in the living room. I don't know if they thought we would be better company or what. We sat with the Mees inactive son and his non-member wife as well as Jimmy and Doug, a gay neighbour couple. So we had plenty of opportunity for missionary work! It was great simply to chat and learn more about who they are. I love getting to know people better because then I can understand more of just why God loves them so much.
Christmas day it starting snowing and it hasn't stopped much since! It's been a fun adventure! Driving is a hoot! 
Andie was scheduled to be baptized on Sunday so Sister Hancock and I were doing everything we could to make sure she made her date. Just as we were finishing weekly planning, we got a text from her saying she had sprained her ankle and that she didn't think she could get baptized. This was just one more thing to add to her already overwhelming life. Her mom was in the hospital and then her dad and then her sister's house got broken into and everything was ransacked. So we immediately started praying and made plans to just go and stop by that night even though we had an appointment with her the next day. We ate dinner with the Palmer-Larsons first though. He is the most interesting (read: strange) man I have ever met. He has written 6000 poems. And he recited one for us entitled, "The Elderly and the Church." It's quite amazing how strong the spirit is in their home. After din, we headed to Andie's. The lights were on but sadly no one was home. While Sister Hancock was calling her, something told me to pick up her shovel and start shoveling the foot and a half of snow off her driveway, so I did. I promised God that I would finish the driveway. It was quite cold out so we took turns warming up in the car while shoveling. It was so great to just get out and work. By the time were finished, the phone started ringing! I thought, "It's a Christmas miracle! Andie is calling us back!" Strangely enough, it was President Murdock. There's always a pang of panic when President calls around transfer time. He asked us to come into his office the next day as he had something to chat with us about. And that was all he said! YIKES! We were stress monsters the next 12 hours waiting to find out what was going to happen. Sister Hancock had been so set that we would be staying together but I kind of felt like I was going to leave. Well, when we got there he was interviewing some other elders so we got to have some nice chat time with Sister Murdock and the APs while we waited. First, he called in Sister Hancock and then me after. He said while he was interviewing Sister Hancock, the thought popped into his head to ask her if I knew Spanish. haha. And then he asked me the same thing. I can read it really well (even though I have no idea what I am saying) and I understand the grammar well enough. He said that he was short one Spanish sister. And that he had placed an English sister in a Spanish area but knew she would probably be miserable that transfer. So he said that if I wanted to I could go there. At first, I was more than a little unsure. I really don't know Spanish that well haha. But I know that God has a plan for me and he is so aware of my desires. And so I'll be headed back to STEAMBOAT SPRINGS for the last 6 weeks of my mission. It's been almost a year and a half since I was there so things have changed quite a bit but I am just so excited I can't even handle it! Also, there is a slight chance that they could've changed the transfer board by now but as of yesterday, that's where I'm headed! At first, I felt a little guilty (unrighteously) because I felt like I didn't deserve to have such a great opportunity. But I've prayed about it a lot and there will still be challenges but it is a HUGE blessing! This is where Heavenly Father wants me! And I'm excited to pretend like I know how to speak Spanish again! My heart is just so full of gratitude for everything that I have been given and all the opportunities that I have! 
Lately I've been studying faith. I want to always be increasing my faith. Yesterday in sacrament meeting, President Carter of the stake presidency gave a great talk on not being in neutral. He shared a story where as he was sitting in their basement, he saw their family station wagon go flying 8 feet in the air, hit their barn, and then crash to the ground. His sister had left it in neutral at the top of their driveway. YIKES. When we leave our lives in neutral, we will never just stay where we are. We will start to roll backwards. So with my study of faith, I've realized that everyday I have to make the conscious choice to strengthen my faith, to continue to believe, and to pray and study with the intent of becoming closer to my Saviour. As I aim to strengthen my faith, God will provide miracles in my faith that will strengthen my desire even more. This is true for not only me but every single one of God's children on earth. What a blessing it is that we KNOW this principle is true! 
Back to Andie....she did not get baptized on Sunday. I had felt that she wouldn't and I am excited for the new sister who is coming here to experience the joy that comes from baptism next Sunday when Andie is baptized! Andie is so good. I know that the adversary has been working particularly hard to stop her from being baptized. But I know that in the end, he can't win. God always does! And though there will always be hard things while here (thanks Mom!), we can have peace and happiness knowing that one day we can rest from our afflictions because of Christ. How grateful I am for that! 
Thank you for all of your love, support, and kindness. I pray every day that I will be able to remember just how imperative the gospel of Jesus Christ is. It is everything. 
Sometimes we go tracting in the snow and I wear HIDEOUS outfits.

Dec. 22

Warning: This email may have too much information. 

Don't accept cookies at church. I don't have a lot of time and I'm not feeling well. But it's okay because Christmas is this week! I ate the cookies and then I eventually lost them. 
After church we came home to do studies. But I knew I needed to sleep. Something just wasn't right. So I slept and my comp woke me up when we needed to go practice with Sis Gunther for a song we were singing at a baptism that night. All through practice, I felt like I was going to faint. But I didn't! As we were going to leave, I raced to the bathroom and wanted to throw up but couldn't. So we went to the Gunthers for dinner and I just laid on their couch. The mission home open house was that night and I had been asked to play the piano as background music. So we decided to go anyways. I got there and played for a bit before we had to leave for the baptism. We were at our car ready to leave when I had to rush inside to use the bathroom. So we sneakily raced to the Murdocks downstairs bathroom where I tried to throw up but couldn't. I hate dry heaving. And we had a 20 minute drive back to the baptism. When we came upstairs, I knew I needed a blessing. And President Murdock happened to be standing right there. He blessed me that I would be able to accomplish all that I needed to that night if I had the faith. So we raced to the baptism while Sister Hancock told me random stories from her life to keep me occupied. When we got there I felt so ill. So so ill. As we raced up to the church, I knew I would not be able to stand and sing. So I said a prayer and then blew chunks all over the church front lawn. I love projectile vomiting. And then I felt so much better. And I even bore my testimony. And we sang better than we ever have before. Right after though, I raced to the bathroom and lost it again. So we went home. And now I am on the mend. It's great to see how much God is in the details of our lives! And the baptism was so great!

We also had our ward Christmas party this week. It was a hoot! 

And I got to go on exchanges with my trainer, dear Sister Remington, a week before she completes her mission! 

And we had our Mission Home Christmas party! It was so much fun! 

I hope you all have a magical Christmas and remember that because He was born, we all can live! 


Sister T